Games - Chrono Cross - . then your epsxe's patches folder location=. Get All Characters: Once you've beaten the game, use new game+ and play through until you get the Chrono Cross again. Mine-om would have-om to be Mojo, simply cause he's-om awesome. Let's Play Chrono Cross part 88 - (optional) Dario ... Then, either do a New Game + or Continue + and play up to the point where you get the Chrono Cross. won by 149 (92) of 1174 (12.69%) The Dragon God (10) (35) Defeat Time Devourer in Terra Tower. Thought I would draw a portrait of Dario with his favorite flower. Don't allocate any attack elements, since you won't use them. Criosphinx/Dario. Dropped/Steal Item List - Guide for Chrono Cross on ... Bienvenidos a esta sección donde estaremos narrando la historia de uno de los juegos más icónicos de los rpgs, Chrono Trigger, y su continuación Chrono Cross. Chrono Cross Cheats For PlayStation - GameSpot Imagine this... you want the - Chrono Cross hints and tips ... Those fights are way too hard, even with the "black plate". Chrono Cross walkthroughs on SuperCheats - Chrono Cross Walkthrough. The only bosses I remember being hard were Garai, Dario, and the optional boss in the earth dragon island. He is located on Forgotten Island (it's a small island above Mt. Description :Chrono Cross (クロノ・クロス Kurono Kurosu?) Who was your favorite Chrono Cross character. One of the Acacia Dragoon member I liked from the ps1 rpg called Chrono Cross. Glenn is the younger brother of the infamous Dragoon Deva badass Dario and has been following in his footsteps in knight asskicking and such. . Most characters in chrono trigger had a story and a personality. I'm pretty sure they should both be mentioned. Chrono Cross: child Lucca on the beach at the very end of Chrono Cross, Serge's grave he's 7 years old when he died CC takes place in 1020 AD and he's 17 years old (1020 - 17 + 7 = 1010). But I don't remember a Miang or Grahf code. Overview. A sequel that more than lives up to the original. His little brother, gentle fiancee, and the Devas get to join the party. What is Chrono Cross? Shypenguin94. Unfortunately, for reasons I can&. While collecting scales for his girlfriend's necklace one morning, Serge stumbles into a . Its only purpose is to get you the best ending. Dario is a character in Chrono Cross.He is a prominent Acacia Dragoon and wielder of the Einlanzer.His younger brother, Glenn, oft looks up to him; and Lady Riddel was said to be his heart's most beloved treasure. first cause of the fact Dario is better with a sword than he, and secondly Glenn is a goofy sort . Chrono Cross (クロノ・クロス, Kurono Kurosu) is a role-playing video game developed and published by Square (now Square Enix) for the PlayStation video game console.It is the successor to Chrono Trigger, which was released in 1995 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.. Well, Chrono Cross is one of the oddest birds one can think of when it comes to sequels. I loved FF8 and Chrono Cross. It was a smash hit, due to its great graphics and sound, intriguing storyline, and compelling characters. « Reply #11 on: July 19, 2011, 02:22:02 pm ». When in Terra Tower you will encounter a room where there are many huge crystals with colors of each . Spirolli - 12 years ago - report 1 0. If you're thinking of fighting him be prepared, he's tough. Just a question: instead of making both Dario and Slash playable, have you considered just giving Slash's unique techs to Dario instead? Chrono Cross - The No-Nonsense Guide (50 Events) by Elranzer email: Version: 5.1 Legal Stuff ----- This FAQ is copyright 2000 to me. Yes, please add them. Following are the various endings of Chrono Cross which I have located. Surviving Dario: Allocate Cure/Revive elements on all characters. 07-12-2005, 01:09:22 PM. Chrono Cross. The ending stuff with the dragons and the time devourer definitely needed a bit more exposition though. His little brother, gentle fiancee, and the Devas get to join the party. You only get the normal credits sequence (sans the final . Well, let's go back a bit. One of the Acacia Dragoon member I liked from the ps1 rpg called Chrono Cross. and this'll trigger a fight with Dario - The Masamune turns into the smashing swallow, Mastermune - Put Glenn in the front posiotion and bring him to Dario's grave - With the Einlanzer equipped, you can pull out the other one in his grave - With two Einlanzers, Glenn is . I figure this is perfect because it begins a third of the sequence for me. The plot stands on it's own and isn't wholly dependent on references from the first installment of the series - as a person who hadn't played the first game I could still understand what was happening in Chrono Cross. We bring Karsh as written to the isle of the damned. 3/2/2001, Version 2.0: Added "Who is Dario?" section, fixed my email address, corrected a few spelling errors, and added the phrase "crispy strips of hero meat." 3/10/2001, Version 3.0: Added section on battling Dario with Serge. The first timeline is the Lavos Timeline. Beat the final boss after completing Dario's sidequest and Serge is reborn. Boogum Mine-om would have-om to be Mojo, simply cause he's-om awesome. At this time, one ending that I'm aware of is missing from the list. Falou valeu, até mais, fui.Tw. OH, by the way, wait until New Game+ or Continue+ to fight the criosphinx and Dario. This is the character sheet for Chrono Cross, a game in which there are Loads and Loads of Characters, 45 playable. The Evil Ending. Shypenguin94. Help Kid recover from coma. 0. CONTACT INFO ::::: Shameless Self-Promotion: Other FAQs by me: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PLAYSTATION: Ape Escape Brave Fencer Musashi Chrono Cross Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped Crash Team Racing Dino Crisis Gran Turismo 2 Hot Shots Golf 2 Legend of Mana Medal Of Honor NBA Live 2000 Need for Speed: High Stakes Tony Hawk's Pro . first cause of the fact Dario is better with a sword than he, and secondly Glenn is a goofy sort . C:\epsxe170\patches\SLUS_010.41. We were going nuts over being able to download ROMs of SNES games and play them on our PCs. Name Career Age (Sex) Origin Height Weight Build Dominant Side Innate Serge: Silent Protagonist 17 (M) Arni: 5'7" 128 lbs. You only fight Dario in a sidequest to get a powerful weapon. Não esqueça de curtir e compartilhar o vídeo e se inscreva no canal , comenta ai o que achou, qual serie vocês querem no canal? Who was your favorite Chrono Cross character. Ordinary Right White Kid you have to edit list1.txt and list2.txt to be your iso's location=. Chrono Trigger is an excellent game and a remake in the future would be lovely, but Chrono Cross completely blows it away. Chrono Cross . Chrono Cross Compass Roulette (4) Deposit bonuses + bonus spins offers available. If you do that, Dario will go on a rampage. His L7 is already unique. And yes, they had the main heroes mentioned in the game, and those characters who weren't mentioned were shown similar to possible playing characters: Leah and Ayla share similar characteristics, and Glenn from Chrono Cross has the same name as Frog (who's known as Glenn as a human), they even have a similar well-known heroes (Cyrus/Dario) who . Chrono Cross is a role playing video game developed for PlayStation. Miguel is an antagonist in Chrono Cross. Japanese Chrono Cross FAQ with new info as well as adding a brand new Gameshark Cheats And Codes section with amazing never before seen or heard of Gameshark codes for Chrono Cross, including information on that lovable Dario! Chrono Cross - The No-Nonsense Guide ===== by Elranzer email: Version: 6.0 Welcome to Chrono Cross Guide 6.0 ===== This FAQ is copyright 2000 to me. You can either play your way through the game until you can access the Bend of Time or use Continue+. 1. Thought I would draw a portrait of Dario with his favorite flower. Luccia (Chrono Cross): lt;p|>| |||||Chrono Cross|||| (|Japanese|: |クロノ・クロス||,| |Hepburn|: |Kurono Kurosu||||?|||)| is a . Miguel is the echo of a man bound against his will as a guardian of the Frozen Flame, a central plot element of the game. And it was kinda crappy. I actually owned Chrono Cross before I ever owned a PlayStation. Dario can basically be loved or hated and Glenn indeed has a hate side towards his elder brother. Part 104: Alternate Ending #9: Dark Serge's Outrageous Bar Tab 's Outrageous Bar Tab The penultimate alternate ending of Chrono Cross requires the whole Dario plotline to have been completed and Serge to have obtained the Mastermune, but before Terra Tower has risen from the sea. 3.6k members in the ChronoCross community. When in Terra Tower you will encounter a room where there are many huge crystals with colors of each . Battle Proper: First move, have Lynx attack using a LV 2 attack (uses up 2 Stamina points) Second move, have Fargo attack some to attain an Elemental LV 3 and after. In 2008-2009, I started a Chrono Cross full game fan dub. However, as a JRPG it's one of the all time greats. Welcome to the one and only Chrono Cross shrine! 20 years after the events of Chrono Trigger, which primarily was set in 1000 A.D. Zeality 21:22, 20 May 2007 (UTC) [] Miguel and Dario. I was disappointed that he's not a playable character. isn't really a must but if you fail, just reset and load your game [Ummm, you. This timeline shows the events without Crono or Magus's interference, but with Lavos's. Chrono Cross Cheats. She is very philosophical and taunts Crono's party about their reality. In 1995, Squaresoft released a game for the Super Nintendo called Chrono Trigger. This list is not yet completed. World Heritage Encyclopedia . Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross are two different stories told in the same universe, and a story is not its canon, a story is not a window into an existing universe with defined rules and themes and interpretations that we are poking our heads into, it is a collection of ideas and beliefs filtered through the mind of its creator, and two very . Dario is just an optional boss but Miguel should have his own bio as he is part of the overall story and explains how the Dead Sea came about. I'm at the point in the game where I wanna defeat Dario and the Criosphinx to get some good items and power up for later . After his death, Glenn and Riddel visit the Dragoon memorial in Termina and leave Bellflower, Dario's favorite flower, at the base of the stone-lodged sword there. As a sequel to Chrono Trigger it isn't what people wanted/expected so if you want to be salty about that I get it (although I wholeheartedly disagree). While its predecessor, like most role-playing games at the time, only offered a handful of playable characters . Easy win Roulette Game. Following are the various endings of Chrono Cross which I have located. The Evil Ending. This is a "quickie guide," you will not find boss stratagies, item or spell lists, nor every possible character. Chrono Cross is the sequel to Chrono Trigger, which was released for the Super Nintendo in 1995. Chrono Cross - NEW CHARACTERS ADDED. This is a "quickie guide," you will not find boss stratagies, item or spell lists, nor every possible character. There are over forty characters in the game - these are in addition to the regular characters. The situation is even direr with Radical Dreamers, as it was never officially released outside of Japan. I was disappointed that he's not a playable character. Pyre) in Home World I think. (That would have rocked) Chrono Cross is the sequel to Chrono Trigger, which was released for the Super Nintendo in 1995. The main character, and your standard teenaged fantasy protagonist, complete with sheltered upbringing in a fairly isolated hamlet and Disappeared Dad. As for FF8, definitely one of my favorite final fantasy games. At this point, the world is split into 2 dimensions (called Home World and Another World in Chrono Cross). Which is run by Luccia, Karsh, and Marcy. This list is not yet completed. Audition for voiceover roles and find voice actors. Radical Dreamers was released for a Japan-exclusive SNES add-on, called the Satellaview. How to get the Chrono Cross: To get the Chrono Cross go to Dragon Falls (Another) and use the two blue crystals pieces. Chrono Cross is and has always been good. Chrono universe timelines. When the roulette pointer starts spinning and the red tip is within the west and the south edges of the wheel, pause and press Circle . nothing happens. The story revolves around Serge, a village boy who . Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition will allow people to play the game on modern platforms, without needing to jump through hoops. Let's Play Chrono Cross by The Dark Id - Part 1: Character Roster (Spoilers-a-Plenty) The Let's Play Archive . I seem to remember a code from a long time ago that turned Fei into Id. Chrono Trigger was one of the best RPG's ever made -- if you can find a copy, used, you'll probably pay upwards of $50, and it was new 6 or 7 years ago. Soon, he is fighting a war to keep each world alive. Chrono Cross Cheats For PlayStation. you want the Mastermune, the best sword in the game (although the Spectral Swallow has a higher power the Mastermune will make a cr.., Chrono Cross PlayStation . then. A gaming subreddit dedicated to the 1999 release of the game Chrono Cross released … So Dario would have DashSlash as his L3 and WindSlash as his L5. Unlike its predecessor's "Dream Team", Chrono Cross was developed primarily by scenarist and director Masato Kato and other programmers from Chrono Trigger, including art. Chrono Cross, the sequel to the RPG favorite Chrono Trigger, begins when a young man named Serge realizes that he can travel between dimensions. Miguel is a somewhat infamous boss across the medium for both the tonal shift he facilitates in the game and boss-battle he offers. There are four timelines displayed. You should be in Sprigg's house. ChronoCross takes the series in a new direction as it expands the predecessor's focus on time travel for a story about alternate universes, as well as debuting a new turn-based combat system, a new art style and a very enlarged new cast of 45 playable characters. You must navigate parallel worlds in order to help a teenage boy, Serge, discover why his worlds are split as they are. Classic sequel to the equally classic Chrono Trigger, this imaginitive RPG sports a fantastic story, unique battle system and one of the strongest soundtracks of all time. Dario, and Viper in the . ( thing) by AlexZander. World Heritage Encyclopedia . Feral Cats and ForeverZero ARE better than Luminaire and FlyingArrow, but you have to revert back to Serge eventually, making him unavaible. At this time, one ending that I'm aware of is missing from the list. It has a unique battle system, a well realized world, and one of the greatest soundtracks of all time. Beat the game for the first time without using the Chrono Cross. Beat the final boss with Poshul at the start of the game, and Kid takes over the world, establishing the Acacian Empire. Chrono Cross, a Role-Playing Game developed by Square for the PlayStation, is the follow-up to Chrono Trigger.More specifically, it is a remake, or re-imagining, or sequel (sort of—it's confusing) to Radical Dreamers, a Visual Novel based on the Chrono 'verse.. Skip all of the glowing domes, and head for the door to the left. Technically the end of the last video was the start of the sidequest! Dark Serge/Lynx, Harle, and Kid go to Termina's bar for a long drinking session. won by 130 (82) of 1174 (11.07%) Our Planet's Dream is not Over Yet (25) (98) [Ending 1] Defeat Time Devourer by harmonizing all the sounds of the world with the Chrono Cross. Lynx - See above, only he can't Dual Tech or use the Chrono Cross. 61 votes, 22 comments. Why? Imagine this. dario was easy as hell, right after i turned back to serge i equipped him wit the black plate, gave glenn the einlanzer, and did bout 500 dmg per turn with serge,easp-peasy, Chrono Cross can be used in two ways. Here's Dario and Slash as Playable Character!there are still a few detail but they're all fixable.Enjoy! that, let him use Pillage in order for you to get the @Rainbow Shell (This. Chrono Cross - Endings. In the late 90s/early 2000s, emulators were all the rage. is a character in Chrono Cross.He is a prominent Acacia Dragoon and wielder of the Einlanzer.His younger brother, Glenn, oft looks up to him; and Lady Riddel was said to be his heart's most beloved treasure. I'm almost to the end of it, and so far I think it's great. Go to the Hydra Marshes in "Another World" and use the Astral Amulet where the little green warp appears (north of the entrance). Boogum Chrono Cross can be used as a key item to bring back your characters from your other games in a New Game+ mode or it can be used as an element to free Schala and watch one of the endings of Chrono Cross. This is a chronology of the events that occur in the Chrono series universe, including the events of Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. C:\epsxe170\iso\cd1.iso. If you follow my pattern, Dario will go with a pattern of his own. Chrono Cross Dario FAQ By neored13 2/27/2001, Version 1.0: And there was light. Situation 1: Regardless of whether I run from and then reengage the Time Devourer, his first cast when he finally decides to attack is a triple cast: Yellow, Red, Green. 5- I updated the Japanese Chrono Cross FAQ with very important info along with the feedback section. Chrono Cross can be used as a key item to bring back your characters from your other games in a New Game+ mode or it can be used as an element to free Schala and watch one of the endings of Chrono Cross. Glenn - double Einlanzer oh my God. Re: Chrono Cross Enemy Editor plus a Sample ppf. You return to the same world, starting with a dream sequence. Chrono Cross & Xenogears. Chrono Cross has several secrets that can help you find new things, learn new information or just see something neat! Overview. - Since there were 45 playable characters, I was expecting tons of dual and triple techs, but there were only 11 in the game and they felt like gimmicks. Casting Call Club - Create voice work, casting calls, and audio projects. Chrono Cross can be used in two ways. The key thing is to just use regular attacks, and don't cast elements/tech skills. Chrono Cross - Endings. What will we find there? The story revolves around Serge, a village boy who accidentally blunders into an Alternate Dimension while trying to get a gift for . Head to the Bend of Time. He initially met Serge during a visit to his brother's grave along with his childhood . Answers. Luccia (Chrono Cross): lt;p|>| |||||Chrono Cross|||| (|Japanese|: |クロノ・クロス||,| |Hepburn|: |Kurono Kurosu||||?|||)| is a . Dario (ダリオ,?) Chrono_Cross_CD1.img should be the name of your Original ChronoCross ISO . anyone ever play this old classic for the PS1 called "Chrono Cross"? Chrono Cross, a Role-Playing Game developed by Square for the PlayStation, is the follow-up to Chrono Trigger.More specifically, it is a remake, or re-imagining, or sequel (sort of — it's confusing) to Radical Dreamers, a Visual Novel based on the Chrono 'verse, handled by Masato Kato, the only returning creative lead from Chrono Trigger.. Now, i am one of the people who believe Chrono Cross would have been more positively received had it been a real sequel to Chrono Trigger, which was a loved game. Don't copy or plagarise, it's naughty! first run ccenemyedit then edit the grid with moves you want to have. Beat the game for the first time without using the Chrono Cross. Don't copy or plagarise, it's naughty! Chrono Cross: Time Devourer. Side Note: Dario has about 3800 hp. Born out of a couple of Trigger team members basically not wanting to do the same game twice (and as a kinda-sorta/not really remake of Radical Dreamers, apparently it takes place in another dimension), it has it's backlash and it's fond remembrances. It is the sequel to Chrono Trigger. Chrono Cross was always neat to me because a lot of it was caused by the timestream being tied into a knot thanks to the events of Chrono Trigger. 1. Dario can basically be loved or hated and Glenn indeed has a hate side towards his elder brother. » Chrono Cross » Criosphinx/Dario. is a console role-playing game developed and published by Square for the Sony PlayStation. Have a seat, this could take a while. Many of the 9 million characters in Chrono Cross have no personality and no story. I cast Blue, Black, White, and use the Chrono Cross. Thus, points down. After his death, Glenn and Riddel visit the Dragoon memorial in Termina and leave Bellflower, Dario's favorite flower, at the base of the stone-lodged sword there. The code I always wanted was a code that allowed the white Xenogear to use all of the Black Weltall's abilities. ) is a character that appears in Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. The game will tell you that it is reacting to the Chrono Cross. 8-bit and 16-bit games were easy, but modern CDs proved tricky. Fri Aug 25 2000 at 16:49:40. She is sister to Masa & Mune and lives in the same age as them, 12,000 B.C.. Chrono Trigger [edit | edit source] In Chrono Trigger she "lives" in Enhasa and has a liking for dreams. ChronoCross takes the series in a new direction as it expands the predecessor's focus on time travel for a story about alternate universes, as well as debuting a new turn-based combat system, a new art style and a very enlarged new cast of 45 playable characters. 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