National Park Service Epartment of The Interior In the 70's it transformed into a destination for campers from all over and was known as Butterfield Ranch. John Butterfield's mail service-connected the East and West Coasts in one of the great entrepreneurial and pioneering stories of the American West. Map of the Entire Butterfield Overland Trail. It carried passengers and U.S. Mail from two eastern termini, Memphis, Tennessee and St. Louis, Missouri to San Francisco, California.The routes from each eastern terminus met at Fort Smith, Arkansas, and then continued through Indian Territory, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Baja . San Marino, CA: The Huntington Library, 1942, 1991. The Butterfield Overland Trail was eclipsed by the faster Pony Express in 1860, and Civil War bushwhackers and hostile Indians in the west spelled an end for the company by 1861. Butterfield Overland Mail Route-Arizona - Google My Maps Butterfield Overland Mail - CA State Parks Shown Here: Introduced in Senate (01/19/2022) Butterfield Overland National Historic Trail Designation Act. Retracing the Butterfield Overland Mail Route - susan dragoo Even their customer support works well. Though only running from 1858 through 1861, it was the longest stagecoach line in world history at approximately 2,812 miles and was a major factor in the settlement and development of Arkansas and the American . In September, 1857, going East to West, the Butterfield Overland Mail Stage route started in St. Louis, went south to Ft. Smith, Arkansas; then west through Texas to El Paso; through New Mexico to Apache Pass in Southeastern Arizona. Postal Department, providing transportation of U.S. mail between St. Louis, Mo., and San Francisco, Calif. In 1857, the U.S. government awarded John Butterfield a contract to carry mail between St. Louis and San Francisco. It began with the Overland Mail Expedition, which was a test of the route in January of 1858 and took about 25 days. In 1857, Congress authorized the postmaster to contract a new overland mail service. northeast of Trahern's Station. The Overland Mail route is "the longest and most important route ever established in any country," Postmaster General Aaron Venable Brown wrote in the company-issued record and schedule book, which it distributed to conductors, agents, drivers and station managers along the trail. This book is a search for the origins of the Boonville Road and to learn why the name changed to Bolivar Road. County: United States. This book written by Kirby Sanders and published by Unknown which was released on 03 April 2013 with total pages 184. The trip, about 2,800 miles, was made in twenty-five days and sometimes less. The Butterfield Overland Mail Route Through Southern California: 1858 1861|Kirby David Sanders found my author. The Butterfield Overland Mail Co. operated from 1858 to 1861 under contract with the U.S. FOLLOWING THE BUTTERFIELD OVERLAND MAIL ROUTE Fort Bowie, Arizona to Anza-Borrego, California A Love Your Parks Tour Story by Lisa D. Smith and Nancy J. Reid . It was the longest line in the history of the world (2,812 miles). Butterfield's Overland Mail Company carried the first successful overland transcontinental mail by stagecoach through Arkansas as it went from the Mississippi River to California. The history of the Butterfield Trail and the Emigrant Trail are intertwined. The history of the Butterfield Trail and the Emigrant Trail are intertwined. It has suffered no serious alterations other than the presence of some trees and underbrush within the roadbed. The Butterfield Overland Mail Route was established in the fall of 1858, the achievement of John Butterfield, a resident of New York State, who had the government contract to carry the mail. The Butterfield (or Southern) Overland Mail was a mail and passenger stage service from St. Louis, Missouri, and Memphis, Tennessee, to San Francisco, California. The eroded scar on the left was the route of the Butterfield stages, 1858-1861. Butterfield's Overland Mail Company: 25 Days. It originated at Tipton, Missouri, the end of the Pacific, now the Missouri . During that time, Butterfield was pushed out of American Express due to huge debts. The Overland Company kept a large stable with 50 to 100 horses. The Butterfield Overland Mail Route Through Southern California: 1858 1861|Kirby David Sanders He is so smart and funny. The Butterfield Overland Mail Route was the first overland transcontinental mail route by stagecoach.. Stage line entrepreneur John Butterfield produced this record book for distribution to his conductors and station agents along the Butterfield Overland Mail trail. 647 BUTTERFIELD OVERLAND MAIL ROUTE - This pass, Puerta, between the desert and the cooler valleys to the north, was used by the Mormon Battalion, Kearny's Army of the West, the Butterfield Overland Mail stages, and emigrants who eventually settled the West. The Butterfield Trail (1858-1861) in Indian Territory used the federal Ft. Smith-to-Boggy Depot Indian immigration and supply road. Learn how to create your own. Skillman's Station was used by the Overland Mail Company on its Butterfield Overland Mail Route (St. Louis to San Francisco) from September 1858 through May 1859. Butterfield's Overland Mail Route The third route to California was the longest and most legendary - the Butterfield Overland Mail. Quickest Old Route: 52 Days. The Butterfield Overland Mail route traveled by this site between 1858-1861. Butterfield Overland Mail Route in Oklahoma. The Butterfield Overland Trail was eclipsed by the faster Pony Express in 1860, and Civil War bushwhackers and hostile Indians in the west spelled an end for the company . Gerald T. Ahnert, "Butterfield Overland Mail Company Stages on the Southern Trail," article to be published in the Overland Journal in 2014. After six years with no congressional activity, Californians requested that mail service be improved while they waited for the railroad to be . About 5 1/2 mi. The store also became the original post office for Red Oak, Indian Territory in 1868, before the community was relocated in the late 1800s to its present location seven miles west. This series includes markers about the Butterfield Overland Mail that generally follow the route of the stage line. By Melody Groves. In 2010, he was selected as a consultant to the National Park Service to prepare a substantial report and mapping survey on the 1858-1861 Butterfield Overland Mail stagecoach route in the states of Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. Friends of John Butterfield were appalled when they learned of the contract he had signed calling for him to begin operating this line within one year. In Texas, the Butterfield Overland Mail service created by Congress on March 3, 1857, operated until March 30, 1861. NO. The Butterfield Overland Route was a route for stagecoaches in the United States of America. This map displays the entire route of the mail route from St. Louis, Missouri, and Memphis, Tennessee, to San Francisco, California. The Butterfield Overland Mail Company continued its trips twice a week in each direction for the next 2-1/2 years. It was the purpose of awarding the contract to the Overland Mail Company, on September 16, 1857, not only for a land route to deliver mail from the East to the West coast, but to aid emigrant travel to settle the West. BUTTERFIELD OVERLAND MAIL ROUTE Mail as the Fort Smith-Boggy Depot Road. The Senate of the United States, Second Session, Thirty-fifth Congress, 1858-1859, Report of the Postmaster General, SAN ANTONIO AND SAN DIEGO MAIL ROUTE, Washington, October 18, 1858, published in Washington (D. Road of Trail Name: Butterfield Overland Mail Route True name: Butterfield Stage Line, Overland Mail. Marilyn Heifner, former President of Heritage Trail Partners, will discuss how the Butterfield was a major factor in the settlement of . It was navigated from 1857 to 1861. Overland Mail Company was the first successful company to accomplish this important task. The book traces the Butterfield Overland Mail Route as it traveled through northern Greene County, Missouri. Years in use: 1858 to 1861. Shown Here: Introduced in Senate (01/19/2022) Butterfield Overland National Historic Trail Designation Act. She notes two extended eld trips that took place in 1930 in a 1933 Chronicles article. It was purchased in order to have a snow-free route from the rest of the United States to California. The Butterfield Overland Mail Route Through New Mexico And Arizona: 1858 1861|Kirby David Sanders. Until 1858, California's gold fields were reached only by horseback, wagon or ship around Cape Horn. CHL # 647 Butterfield Overland Mail Route in San Diego. BUTTERFIELD OVERLAND MAIL ROUTE Historical Landmark Description: This pass, Puerta, between the desert and the cooler valleys to the north, was used by the Mormon Battalion, Kearny's Army of the West, the Butterfield Overland Mail stages, and emigrants who eventually settled the West. It carried passengers and U.S. Mail from two eastern termini, Memphis, Tennessee, and St. Louis, Missouri, to San Francisco, California.The routes from each eastern terminus met at Fort Smith, Arkansas, and then continued through Indian Territory (), Texas . The Butterfield Overland Mail Trail was a stagecoach service in the United States, operating from 1857 to 1861. Butterfield Overland Mail (officially the Overland Mail Company) was a stagecoach service in the United States operating from 1858 to 1861. It followed the Texas Road on to Colbert's Ferry on Red River. Brazil Station, while not an official station on the Butterfield Trail, was . Going to order another paper later this month. The Butterfield stage ran from 1858 to 1861 and 192 miles of its route traversed what is present-day southeastern Oklahoma. Butterfield Overland Mail Route: History of Early Settlers Along Boonville Rd in Northern Greene County [MO] - Helen Murray White. About the Author. "The Stagecoach in Travis County." Manuscript, Austin History Center, Austin, Texas. State: Missouri. Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division, The New York Public Library. The Butterfield Overland Stage and Mail Coach was the first transcontinental route to traverse the Red River Valley, but lasted only for a few years due to the Civil War. A transcontinental mail and passenger route was authorized by an act of congress in 1857. Download or Read online The Butterfield Overland Mail Route Through New Mexico and Arizona full in PDF, ePub and kindle. The stagecoach routes of the Butterfield Overland Mail. The successful bidder for the southern route was John Butterfield, who agreed to convey mail twice weekly in 25 days per run. On September 15, 1857, businessman and financier John Butterfield of Utica, New York won a coveted six-year, $600,000-a-year federal contract to transport mail twice a week between St. Louis, Missouri and San Francisco in 25 days. Continuing our exploration of the route of the Butterfield Overland Mail stagecoach route through Oklahoma (begun on a short trip last year about this time). a reporter from the New York Herald who traveled the Overland Mail as the only passenger on the stage's first through trip, said that "Altogether, Phantom Hill is the cheapest and best new station on the route. The contract was to transport mail twice a week from St. Louis, Missouri, and San Francisco in "just" 25 days. [] A year later, on September 15, 1858, the Butterfield Overland Mail Company line was in service along what became known as the southern route. The Fitzgerald Station site was a stagecoach stop on the Butterfield Overland Mail route in the 1850s. From 1857 to 1861 a mail and stage coach route was used called the Butterfield Overland Mail, or Oxbow Route, or Butterfield Overland Stage. Butterfield Overland Mail Company book "[The overland mail trail is] the longest and most important route ever established in any country" —Postmaster General Aaron Brown. After California was admitted as a state in 1850, its leaders demanded a transcontinental railroad be built to the state. On September 16, 1857, a six-year contract went to John Butterfield for a semi weekly mail/passenger service stagecoach line, which could carry five to six hundred pounds of mail. The Butterfield Overland Mail. The Butterfield Overland Mail station was located in the City Hotel at that time. The stagecoach routes of the Butterfield Overland Mail. Through the 1840s and 1850s, mail was carried between the east and west coasts by several private companies, some under federal contract, using various routes, including ocean steamers around South America, or overland . The Butterfield Overland Mail Route Corridor (Corridor Historic District; Upper Road; Overland Mail Route) is located within and adjacent to the boundaries of Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas. In some places, the ruts from the stages are still visible, like here in Boggy Depot, Chickasaw Nation, Oklahoma. In Indian Territory, the route crossed from Arkansas into the Choctaw Nation at Skullyville and left the Chickasaw Nation at Colbert's Ferry into Texas. This map was created by a user. This map was created by a user. Historical Significance: First mail movement from east coast to west coast. 447 Broadway #166, New York, NY 10013, United States. Butterfield's Byway: American's First Overland Mail Route $ 19.99. This series includes markers about the Butterfield Overland Mail that generally follow the route of the stage line. MLA Format. From Fort Smith, it was off to San Francisco. Document Content: Map of the Entire Butterfield Overland Trail (692.1 KB, PDF file) Disclaimer: Links within the above document (s) were valid as of the date published. The winner of the lucrative $600,000-a-year federal contract was the New York businessman John Butterfield. Authored by journalist Kirby Sanders and published by Heritage Trail Partners, the Driver's Guide to the Butterfield Overland Mail Route follows the route through Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma.Every confirmed stage stop along the line has been located and pinpointed to specific latitude and longitude. The route that was operated extended from San Francisco, California to Los Angeles, then across the Colorado Desert to Fort Yuma, then across New Mexico Territory via, Tucson and Mesilla, New Mexico to Franklin, Texas, midpoint on the route. The Butterfield Overland Stage and Mail. The Butterfield operated from 1858-1961 and went from St. Louis, MO to San Francisco, CA. This bill designates the trail extending approximately 3,292 miles and following the route operated by the Butterfield Overland Mail Company, known as the Ox-Bow Route, to transport mail and passengers between the eastern end points of St. Louis, Missouri, and Memphis, Tennessee, and . Butterfield Overland Mail Route: History of Early Settlers Along Boonville Rd in Northern Greene County [MO] - Helen Murray White. It operated from September, 1858 to March, 1861 and is considered the nation's first transcontinental mail service. The Butterfield Overland Mail Trail Route is currently being considered as a possible National Historic Trail. The Butterfield Overland Mail route traversed prairies, mountains, deserts, and valleys on its way from St. Louis to San Francisco. Glynn Burrows, historian and owner of Norfolk Tours in England, discusses on Big Blend Radio, the historic family connection that John Butterfield, founder of the The Butterfield Overland Mail Company, had with England. . In one, she accompanied John Y. and Margaret Bryce to historic points along portions of the road, which was an early route for immigrating Chicka- The Butterfield Overland Mail November 15, 2021 by Molly Sauder, Archivist . On September 16 of that same year, John Butterfield and his associates signed a 6-year contract with the . Smith, Marian. In some places, the ruts from the stages are still visible, like here in Boggy Depot, Chickasaw Nation, Oklahoma. Noted field researcher Joe Allen of Comanche, Texas found this 1854 Seated Liberty coin at the station site located on a high sandy bluff overlooking the Pecos River. Butterfield's Overland Mail Company, also known as the Overland Stage Company, was the brainchild of John Butterfield. BUTTERFIELD OVERLAND MAIL SERVICE, 1857. "A history of the first stagecoach line to connect the East and West coasts"-- "John Butterfield's mail service connected the East and West coasts in one of the great entrepreneurial and pioneering stories of the American West. From Fort Smith, the Butterfield Overland Mail Route continued through Indian Territory, New Mexico, and Arizona . Butterfield Overland Mail. Today Butterfield Manufactured Home and RV Community has come a long way from the stop on the stagecoach route it once was. In 1857, Congress authorized the Postmaster General to contract for the carriage of letters from somewhere on the Mississippi River - it would be the contractor's choice - to San Francisco for six years. The famous Butterfield Overland Express Company carried the mail from St. Louis, following a southerly route through Texas and Arizona and then up the California Coastline to San Francisco. Gerald T. Ahnert has been researching the history of the Butterfield Trail in Arizona since 1970, when an aerospace contract first took him to the Grand Canyon State. Fill the order form. The Butterfield Overland Stage and Mail Coach was the first transcontinental route to traverse the Red River Valley, but lasted only for a few years due to the Civil War. . The Butterfield Overland Mail, also known as the Oxbow Route, the Butterfield Overland Stage, or the Butterfield Stage, was a stagecoach route in the United States, operating from 1857 to 1861. [] At the time, it was the largest land-mail contract ever awarded in the United States . There were also additional coaches kept at this location. It was the purpose of awarding the contract to the Overland Mail Company, on September 16, 1857, not only for a land route to deliver mail from the East to the West coast, but to aid emigrant travel to settle the West. High School College Undergraduate Master Ph.D. Let us send your 15% discount for any type of service on your email. The Butterfield Stage Overland Mail Route web site includes many fascinating articles and maps, including: How the Butterfield Route was established ; First Running of the Stage - starting from St Louis, Tipton, Warsaw, met by a large crowd in Springfield, to Callahan's Station, Fayetteville, Fort Smith, and beyond. The Butterfield Overland Mail Company initially followed a southern route between St. Louis and San Francisco that skirted the Rocky Mountains and avoided the heavy winter mountain snows by traveling through Texas, southern New Mexico Territory and southern California. It operated from September, 1858 to March, 1861 and is considered the nation's first transcontinental mail service. Butterfield Overland Mail. along the historic Butterfield Overland Mail Trail & stagecoach route. This book is a search for the origins of the Boonville Road and to learn why the name changed to Bolivar Road. The Butterfield Overland Mail Route Segment is an improved gravel road that runs for 13.35 miles following Bugscuffle Road south of Strickler in Washington County to its junction with Old Cove City Road, then follows that road until it becomes paved north of Chester in Crawford County. The Butterfield Overland Mail route passed through the center of the area shown in this photo (I think the trail is a modern hiking one, not a remnant of the stage trail) and passed by the stage stop. The Butterfield (or Southern) Overland Mail, which operated from September 15, 1858, until March 1, 1861, was a semiweekly mail and passenger stage service from St. Louis, Missouri, and Memphis, Tennessee, across northern Texas to San Francisco, California. In 1857, Congress authorized the Postmaster General to contract for the carriage of letters from somewhere on the Mississippi River - it would be the contractor's choice - to San Francisco for six years. butterfield overland mail trail route Lines were established from Missouri to Fort Smith and then points west, and from Memphis to Fort Smith, with a side-run to Little Rock. Because the road bed was established, John Butterfield used the road for the Butterfield Overland Mail. Butterfield Overland Mail Route Fayetteville Segment 1 is a contributing resource in the district. Twelve Butterfield Stations, spaced about 16 miles apart, were located in Indian Territory. Driver's Guide to the Butterfield Overland Mail Route. The U.S. mail was carried through Oklahoma by the Butterfield company for only a brief period, 1858-61, but the trail it followed became famous as a western transportation route. Boonville Road was named as early as 1833 and was used as a trade route connec The Butterfield Overland Mail Route Through New Mexico and Arizona . 3. The Butterfield Overland Mail Trail ran from about 1858 to 1861 on a route that began in either Memphis or St. Louis and terminated in San Francisco carrying passengers and U. S. Mail. Communications changed the world and caused California to become a state. The stagecoaches transported passengers and mail from two eastern stops Memphis (Tennessee) and St. Louis ( Missouri) to San Francisco ( California).The two eastern routes first meet in Fort Smith, then the route led through Indian Territory, Texas, New Mexico and . This mail and passenger service linked the end of the road with the west coast. The Butterfield Overland Mail in Indian Territory was part of the Butterfield Overland Mail service (1857-1861) created by Congress March 3, 1857. This was the junction where a stage also came in from Memphis. It was a conduit for the United States mail from St. Louis, Missouri through Arkansas, Indian Territory, New Mexico, and Arizona, ending in San . west and 1/2 mi. Scannell, Jack C. "A Survey of the Stagecoach Mail in the Trans-Pecos 1850-1861," West Texas Historical Association Yearbook, 1971. Early settlers traveled the road as they explored and settled the wilderness of central Missouri. The Butterfield Overland Mail Company, also known as the Butterfield Stage, held a United States (US) Mail contract to transport mail and passengers over the "ox-bow route" between the eastern termini of St. Louis, Missouri, and Memphis, Tennessee, and the western terminus of San Francisco, The mid-1800s witnessed a migration of historic proportions, as Americans—singly, in families, and in large companies—moved westward to California. The Butterfield Overland Mail Route was a stagecoach route that served as the main conduit for U.S. mail services. Butterfield Overland Mail Route Fayetteville Segment 2 lies south of the first segment, just beyond the inlet of Lake Fayetteville. Originating in Memphis, Tennessee and St. Louis, Missouri, the two main trails converged at Fort Smith, Arkansas. It began with the Overland Mail Expedition, which was a test of the route in January of 1858 and took about 25 days. The eroded scar on the left was the route of the Butterfield . north of Shady Point, or 3 1/2 mi. The routes from the two eastern termini united at Fort Smith . I'm surprised and happy. Founder: John Butterfield.
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