In cats, the recommended dose is about 10 mg per pound. One of the active ingredients in milk thistle called silymarin is extracted from the plant's seeds. Clindamycin for Dogs Dosage and Side Effects - Pet Bless You Milk Thistle Dosage | How Much Milk Thistle Should You ... NOTE: Cats suffering from acute liver damage may require much higher doses of milk thistle than a cat with mild liver damage, up to two to three times the normal amount than you would normally give. Milk Thistle for Dogs and Cats | Antioxidant properties may provide anti-cancer support. Milk Thistle - Herbsmith You can administer tincture at a starting dose of 1/4 tsp per 20 lbs of body weight per day. MILK THISTLE - Refer to individual products for dosing advice. From the milk thistle you bought, since you don't want to waste any time, you should not give more than a 30 mg dose at one time. Helps support the regeneration of the liver. Helps support the regeneration of the liver. milk thistle | Cat Forum Doses range from 175 milligrams to 1,000 milligrams. Herbsmith Powdered Milk Thistle Supplement for Dogs and Cats costs $23 for a 75-gram jar, $42 for a 150-gram jar, and $109 for a 500-gram jar. Stick to the Milk Thistle Dosage for a Better Result and ... If using pill-form supplements of milk thistle, this could be up to 100 milligrams (mg) per 5-pound . However, if you intend to give milk thistle to your dog that is formulated for people's use, you need to be extremely careful. Keep in mind that milk thistle is not a cure-all. 100% Natural Liver and Kidney Detox and Cancer Support in Cats. It can also greatly benefit dogs or cats with allergies who have a history of treatment. 2). Recommended dosage for healthy dogs is approx 2 mg of milk thistle per pound of dog's weight. The all-natural formula is made with certified organic milk thistle seed that's known to help support normal liver health and function in cats and dogs. How Much Milk Thistle To Feed A Horse? - Neeness 2-5 mg per pound is suitable for preventing harmful build-up and supporting liver function. The actual dosage depends on your dog's size and weight, as well as the form of milk thistle and the concentration of silymarin it contains.If you're in doubt, you should consult with your vet. A specific milk thistle product was given to a child up to a year in the amount of 320 mg/day without event ( 1 ). There is no standardized dosage or recommended intake for milk thistle tea, but it's generally considered safe if consumed in moderation. According to Dr. T. LowDog, MD the correct dosage for a child is 5-10 mg/kg. Please consult your vet for dosage suggestions. According to the data supplied by "Healthy Pets - Naturally", the dosage of milk thistle for dogs depends heavily on the weight of the canine. What is the Recommended Dosage of Milk Thistle for Dogs and Cats? To answer your specific question, the usual dose of milk thistle/silimarin is 2-5 mg q 24 hrs. For dogs under 25 lbs, give 1/2 capsule per day. Denamarin provides multi-faceted h igh level nutritional support for the liver due to its synergistic combination of S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) and silybin.. Cataracts in Diabetic Dogs. Milk thistle supplements are commonly sold as in capsule form but are also available as tablets, tea bags, and oral tinctures. Alcohol extract - .3 ml per 50 lbs two to three times daily or follow manufacturers directions based on the concentration of their extract. Milk Thistle Dosage for Your Pet. • The milk thistle dosage for dogs is similar to the dose of adult human if your dog weighs over 100 pounds, However, do not increase the dosage to 125 percent for a 125 pound dog. This evidence report details a systematic review summarizing clinical studies of milk thistle in humans. Milk thistle is an herbal product that is widely recommended and used by veterinarians. Since supplements contain a different amount silymarin: anywhere between 50-500mgs, it is advisable to buy milk thistle derivative rather than a silymarin only. Of course the doses have to be equally distributed throughout the day. For dogs suffering from liver disease that has advanced, milk thistle dosages of 200 mg per 5kg body weight can be administered. You can buy milk thistle in tablet, capsule or liquid form. But suggested dosage of milk thistle for dogs with liver problems ranges from 5-250 mg/kg p.o. Helps improve liver and kidney function. Studies on Milk Thistle have shown that the flavonoids in silymarin to contain strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detoxifying properties it also promotes cellular regeneration and repair. The powder can be given daily as follows. A typical liver detox can be undertaken twice or more per year for three months to kill any toxic buildups, plus a further three months for adequate liver health. 175mg seems to be the norm for. Milk thistle is a plant named for the white veins on its large prickly leaves. Milk thistle is regarded as safe for use in dogs, but different dosages might be recommended for treating an issue versus preventing liver damage. Milk thistle is a herbal drug that has been used for thousands of years to treat many different health problems. . Milk thistle can be purchased in powder, capsule, and liquid extract form. However, it must be given within 10-30 minutes of ingesting the poisonous mushrooms. Even though Denamarin costs more than milk thistle supplements, we feel it is the best value for your money. If using pill-form supplements of milk thistle, this could be up to 100 milligrams (mg) per 5-pound . Kidd 2005. It will depend on why milk thistle is given to dogs. After 30 minutes silymarin has very little benefit. As an example, if your dog has liver cancer, you could give him milk thistle supplements until the cows come home, and it won't help - I'm sorry to have to tell you that liver cancer is almost always a death sentence for dogs. Try to give a total of 10 to 15 drops each day. You don't have to wait for a vet to tell you that they need it, and you can also use this as a preventive measure if you notice that your cat is having the symptoms of liver disease. There are formulas marketed specifically for dogs as well as ones for human use. From the milk thistle you bought, since you don't want to waste any time, you should not give more than a 30 mg dose at one time. If using for other health issues where your dog isn't suffering from a serious illness; a good rule of thumb is to stick with 1 . Milk thistle is available in tincture or pill. In order to properly flush out toxic build ups, you should perform this detox regularly between the ages of 1 and 3 months. Schandalik 1992 Acute oral toxicity of silymarin in rats, dogs, and monkeys has been estimated at dosages greater than 5 g/kg. Dosage for Dogs. The Milk Thistle Dosage for Dogs 2-5 mg per pound should prevent harmful build-up and liver function damage in dogs. Milk thistle supplements, for reference, are tolerated at doses of up to 700 mg, 3 times per day for 24 weeks ( 1 ). The correct dosage will be determined by your vet and the state of your dog's liver. Like glucosamine, it is a supplement which has leapt over the gap between alternative and conventional medicine. In general, one drop of this extract is administered for every two pounds of the body weight of the cat. Milk Thistle contains a compound called silymarin and has been used for thousands of years by humans. It usually contains about 80% silymarin. Make sure that each extract you buy has the . The usual recommended extract of milk thistle contains 70 to 80 percent silymarin. Calcium Phosphorus Balance in Dogs and Cats. Brucellosis from Raw Milk Consumption. In case you are seeking to use milk thistle for liver treatment, then a plausible dosage would be anything between 280 - 420 mg per day with about 70 - 80% of silymarin content. 2 The best effects are achieved when milk thistle is used for longer periods of time - 2-3 months.. Decoction: 3, 4, 5 Milk thistle fruit should be pulverised in a mortar . Pill supplements usually contain 175 mg, but you can also find pills that contain only 50 mg which would be more appropriate for cats. Alcohol extract - .3 ml per 50 lbs two to three times daily or follow manufacturers directions based on the concentration of their extract. Do NOT sprinkle milk thistle on food. 10 Benefits of Milk Thistle for Dogs and Humans. Home Cooked or Raw Diets for Dogs and Cats Are Not Necessarily Balanced. The Milk Thistle Dosage for Dogs 2-5 mg per pound should prevent harmful build-up and liver function damage in dogs. To ensure safety, it is essential that Clindamycin is given to dogs only as prescribed by the vet. Get milk thistle tincture that's not made from alcohol. After 30 minutes silymarin has very little benefit. Be sure to read this lesson to learn all about this herbal remedy, including its . As a supplement for detoxication, the recommended dosage is around 2 - 5 milligrams per pound of body weight once or twice a day. Description. Cancer is a Cellular Delinquent. q24h. However, please be gentle with your cat and dog. Unfortunately, like glucosamine, this acceptance has come about on the basis of pretty weak evidence. per day. 2). Milk thistle is regarded as safe for use in dogs, but different dosages might be recommended for treating an issue versus preventing liver damage. For dogs, milk thistle is usually given as a pill or capsule. Extra milk thistle will not help your cat heal any faster than giving them the right dose will. There are no guidelines directing the appropriate use of milk thistle. Milk thistle is a herbal drug that has been used for thousands of years to treat many different health problems. In more severe cases it may take 3 to 6 months. Coco and Luna Milk Thistle for Dogs, Liver Support for Dogs, Detox, Hepatic Support, Promotes Liver Healthy Function for Pets, VIT B1, B2, B6, B12 $24.90 (1327) For dogs with elevated liver enzymes and/or in need of extra liver support, you may give up to 10 mg per pound of body weight. Give the daily dosage in 2 to 4 equal doses. Help keep your pal in tip top shape with the Pet Wellbeing Milk Thistle Bacon Flavored Liquid Liver Supplement for Dogs & Cats. Side effects are usually mild and often involve the gastrointestinal tract, such as loose stools or mild digestive upsets. Most milk thistle supplements contain anywhere from 50-500 milligrams. As far as liquid milk thistle for cats is concerned, the dosage may vary from 5 to 10 drops per day (divided into 2-3 times a day). A pound of Milk Thistle Dosage for Dogs contains between 2-5 mg of milk thistle, which prevents build-up and promotes liver health. Adverse effects that may occur are vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, allergic reaction, blood in stools, or trouble swallowing. Usually, the recommended milk thistle extract contains 70-80 % silymarin. Milk thistle can be useful for those who use phenobarbitol, which can be toxic to the liver. Oral consumption of milk thistle (standardized to 70% to 80% silymarin) at 420 mg/day is considered safe for up to 41 months based on clinical trial data. So, if a child weighs 80 lbs., divide by 2.2 and then multiply by 5 mg.- 10 mg = 182 - 364 mg/day. Ingredients. Antioxidant properties may provide anti-cancer support. 100% Natural Liver and Kidney Detox and Cancer Support in Cats. Standardizing the milk thistle extract to silybin, the most biologically active component in milk thistle, also makes a positive difference in treatment duration. Milk thistle helps reduce and cure problems such as fatty liver, pancreatitis, dog liver cancer, hepatitis, and heartworms among other issues that can plague the health of your pet dog. SAMe A stabilised form of the S,S-SAMe isomer, the predominant form synthesised in cells and the isomer which is biologically active Do NOT sprinkle milk thistle on food. Be sure to read this lesson to learn all about this herbal remedy, including its . Que: What is milk thistle for dogs? Dosage Level. If Malcolm can tolerate it, 30 mg three times a day would be a safe amount. How Does Anesthesia Work? NOTE: Cats suffering from acute liver damage may require much higher doses of milk thistle than a cat with mild liver damage, up to two to three times the normal amount than you would normally give. Milk thistle is sold as an oral capsule, tablet and liquid extract. Silymarin compounds in milk thistle can help treat the toxic effects of mushroom poisoning in small animals. MILK THISTLE by Jean Hofve, DVM from Whole Dog Journal Volume 5, Number 7, July 2002. 3 month supply for a small to medium size pet. Milk Thistle in Dogs and Cats. Milk thistle dosage for dogs is based on the silymarin content. Milk Thistle (Silymarin) Milk thistle, (also known as Silymarin), is commonly used to protect the liver from damage, as well as help the liver regenerate after damage has occurred. If you're looking to use milk thistle for your pets, rather go with a formulation of milk thistle combined with phosphatidylcholine, which has been researched in dogs . Powder Dosage - approximately 800 mg per 50 lbs for average daily use and up to 5 grams per 50 lbs daily for therapeutic effects. Occasionally some minor side effects may occur during treatment, even when following dosing guidelines listed above. SAM-e and milk thistle for dogs have synergistic action. A good estimate for the milk thistle dosage for dogs is up to 100 mg for 10 pounds of body weight. Milk thistle is not recommended for use in humans during pregnancy, and this same precaution should be observed in animals. Milk thistle will support whilst de-stressing and detoxing the liver so slow and steady is the way to go. Milk thistle appears to be a safe and well-tolerated herb for animals. 3 month supply for a small to medium size pet. Clindamycin for dogs side effects. Milk thistle is reported to have a very low toxicity - in at least one study normal cats were found to have no outward clinical signs of toxicity given a dose of 5 mg/kg, an important finding since Milk Thistle for Cats. The general recommendation for detoxing your dog is low. For example, a dose of 100 mg/kg of body weight offers complete protection from death cap poisoning in dogs, mice, rabbits, and rats. The scientific name for milk thistle is Silybum marianum. Milk Thistle for Dogs and Cats. Helps improve liver and kidney function. Diabetes ( 35) Whole milk thistle: 420-600 mg/day containing 70-80% silymarin ( 35) Gallbladder disease ( 36) Whole milk thistle: 150 mg 2-3 times a day containing 70% silymarin ( 36) General anesthesia side effects ( 37) Milk Thistle Table 2: Recommended Dosage by Condition. Using the most bioavailable form of milk thistle or silybin, studies have shown the usual dosage to be 420 mg in three divided doses. Holistic vets use up to 200 mg daily for very sick cats. Milk Thistle Dosage for Dogs. Brucellosis in Dogs. Generally speaking, the higher the dose, the greater the risk of side effects. buy 2 and save $3. This detox can be 1-2 times per year for 3-6 weeks to properly flush out any toxic build up and help to maintain liver health. It is a member of the aster or daisy family and has been used by ancient physicians and herbalists to treat a range of liver and gallbladder diseases and to protect the liver against a variety of poisons. Silymarin compounds in milk thistle can help treat the toxic effects of mushroom poisoning in small animals. Milk Thistle - for Healthy Liver Function in Cats Milk Thistle - for Healthy Liver Function in Cats Essential detoxification support for cats with liver dysfunction or pancreatitis Helps maintain liver health in cats Health support during use of drugs (like chemotherapy) Helps support regeneration of damaged liver cells Holistic vets use up to 200 mg daily for very sick cats. Hundreds of studies have been done on milk thistle. Silymarin is believed to have antioxidant properties. The standard dosage of milk thistle is 100 mg per 25 lb of weight, 2 to 3 times a day. You can also get liquid milk thistle for dogs, again, given orally. If Malcolm can tolerate it, 30 mg three times a day would be a safe amount. USD $37.95. Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is a flowering plant in the Aster family. <5kg / 11lbs body weight: 1/4 teaspoon. Mean daily dose is 12-15 g of milk thistle fruit or 200-400 mg of sylimarin, as calculated per silibinin.1 Sylimarin is poorly water-soluble, so extracts and tinctures contain much more of the agent compared to infusions. Please consult your vet for dosage suggestions. If you use the liquid tincture, you can easily dose it using the dropper it comes with. Conveniently, most of the supplements used in dog food range between 100 and 200 milligrams of the herb. If you're using liquid milk thistle for dogs, you can aim for ¼ tsp per 20 pounds of body weight daily. Coco and Luna Milk Thistle for Dogs, Liver Support for Dogs, Detox, Hepatic Support, Promotes Liver Healthy Function for Pets, VIT B1, B2, B6, B12 $24.90 (1327) Advanced Liver Disease: Use up to 200mg per 10 lbs of body weight of milk thistle extract a day. Or your pet may need intermittent treatments for life. A typical liver detox can be undertaken twice or more per year for three months to kill any toxic buildups, plus a further three months for adequate liver health. Ans: Milk thistle or silymarin is a liver supportive herbal supplement for dogs and cats. The dosage of milk thistle for dogs can be very different. Other supplements that may be helpful with liver function are Ursodiol usually given 5-15 mg/kg. He had 25% kidney function a year ago and is still doing okay. For dogs under 25 lbs, give 1/2 capsule per day. For example, a dose of 100 mg/kg of body weight offers complete protection from death cap poisoning in dogs, mice, rabbits, and rats. Hyperthermia (Heat Stroke): First Aid. USD $37.95. Generally, milk thistle can be given to dogs two or three times daily. The dosage for pills, tablets and capsules will be stated be on the medication. Milk thistle dosage for dogs. Milk Thistle for Cats. What is the Recommended Dosage of Milk Thistle for Dogs and Cats? Milk thistle should be administered according to the pet's body weight. However, it must be given within 10-30 minutes of ingesting the poisonous mushrooms. q 24 hrs. Denamarin for Cats High level nutritional support for the liver Description. But bioavailability is an issue, as in humans. Milk Thistle Dosage for Dogs. Milk Thistle for Cats 100% Natural Liver and Kidney Detox and Cancer Support in Cats USD $37.95 buy 2 and save $3 3 month supply for a small to medium size pet Helps support the regeneration of the liver Antioxidant properties may provide anti-cancer support Helps improve liver and kidney function Glycerin-based and safe for long-term use Each extract should have a label with the silymarin percentage. Dogs with chronic disease or poor liver function will require a higher dose to help repair some of the damage that is already done. It all depends on the individual case being treated. 1). Milk Thistle helps to maintain normal, healthy hepatic function by repairing and protecting the liver from exposure to heavy metals, environmental toxins, medications, and antibiotics. Dosage and Duration of Milk Thistle Therapy. If your cat eats a lot, give him/her 3 drops on food at each feeding. Hypothermia: First Aid. per day. Knowing that whole ground milk thistle seed has more health benefits than concentrated extract (why we use all of it), and that using the entire seed means there's more volume, it makes the dosage recommendations much less intimidating, especially when daily dosages are compared side-to-side. The general recommendation for detoxing your dog is low. So, if a child weighs 80 lbs., divide by 2.2 and then multiply by 5 mg.- 10 mg = 182 - 364 mg/day. Milk thistle is sometimes used in cats and dogs. Powder Dosage - approximately 800 mg per 50 lbs for average daily use and up to 5 grams per 50 lbs daily for therapeutic effects. If your dog has trouble eating, as is common with liver problems, you can add powdered milk thistle to baby food or pureed food and then . I use this dosing of nettle for my cat who has kidney disease. According to Dr. T. LowDog, MD the correct dosage for a child is 5-10 mg/kg. 2-5 mg per pound is suitable for preventing harmful build-up and supporting liver function. In the Natural Health Bible for Dogs and Cats Dr. Shawn Messonnier writes: "A new form of silymarin, in which the compound is bound to phosphatidylcholine has been shown to have greater bioavailability than unbound silymarin. For dogs with elevated liver enzymes and/or in need of extra liver support, you may give up to 10 mg per pound of body weight. 1). ; SAM-e usually given 90 mg/cat q 24 hrs; Vitamin E usually given 50 IU q 24 hrs. This amazing herb is used to treat diabetes, liver failure, and IBD. Condition. A specific milk thistle product was given to a child up to a year in the amount of 320 mg/day without event ( 1 ). Milk thistle dosage for dogs The dosages of milk thistle recommended for dogs should contain about 80% silymarin. Milk thistle is available in tincture or pill. Recommended dosage for healthy dogs is approx 2 mg of milk thistle per pound of dog's weight. buy 2 and save $3. Silymarin is a supplement which has leapt over the gap between alternative conventional... Try to give a total of 10 to 15 drops each day in tablet, capsule or liquid..: 1/4 teaspoon Silybum marianum supplements used in dog food range between 100 and 200 milligrams the... Directions based on the silymarin percentage recommended for use in humans during pregnancy, and this same precaution be... 2 to 4 equal doses dogs two or three times daily or follow manufacturers based! Toxic build ups, you can buy milk thistle is safe for and... Level nutritional Support for the liver T. 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