PS3. madmanhelm. You can customize the world around you the way you want. A seed with TEN VILLAGES on a classic sized world For Minecraft Xbox 360, Minecraft Xbox One & Minecraft Wii U! View User Profile View Posts Send Message Tree Puncher; Join Date: 4/17/2013 Posts: 20 Member Details; The seed is 827011550. Seed about 1/3 desert, 2 . Forcing them into one house and blocking the door while you fence the village off is one method. Newish to minecraft, is there only one village in each ... Minecraft: Editions; Minecraft: Editions Seeds; help me find seed with the most temples and villages . Note: In Minecraft Bedrock Edition, the seed From village starts to cool biomes to survival islands, we've put together a solid list of the best and most interesting seeds in Minecraft for the XBox Whether you're a builder, an explorer, or just looking for something new, we've got you covered. Jungle Temple. They can create different world types with various biomes, structures, and even the loot will be different. But due to their harsh conditions, cold biomes are not the best spots for . That's it for the best seeds with villages, and for more Minecraft 1.14 seeds, check out the list below: The Top 20 Minecraft 1.15 Seeds for October 2019; The Top 20 Minecraft 1.14 Seeds for September 2019; The Top 20 Minecraft 1.14 Seeds for August 2019; The Top 20 Minecraft 1.14 Seeds for July 2019; The Top 20 . We take a look at some of the finest Minecraft seeds for the Playstation 3 platform. World generation and terrain formation heavily depend on seed and vary from one seed to another. Scroll for Single Page View. 93819220. Minecraft seeds are the codes that Minecraft uses to choose a world around the player. The code will start your game just where you want it. This waterlogged village . The village is a great starting point for beginners to explore Minecraft, as you can gather a ton of resources right away. A series of survival-style islands . It contains a total of 70 desert . Use a Minecraft seed to generate the specific world you want to live in and play out your favorite scenario. The world is home to a large ravine, which is where you will find the ore you need to craft (ladders are highly recommended). We take a look at some of the finest Minecraft seeds for the Playstation 3 platform. Seed: -3821186818805133221 In Minecraft, a village is a structure that spawns naturally in the game. MineCraft PS3 Seed Showcase/ Review| 5 Villages & 4 Temples| The Overall Best Playstation 3 Seed Join the Ninja Squad and Subscribe Us. Minecraft Village Seeds for Java Edition (PC/Mac) Use one of these Minecraft Village seeds to create a world where you spawn near a village in Java Edition 1.18, 1.17, 1.16, 1.15, 1.14, 1.13 or 1.12.2. Note: The seed code will be bold. It contains a total of 70 desert . In Minecraft, a villager has 10 hearts for health. [Top 15] Minecraft Best Seeds Every Player Should Try (1.17) One of the most frustrating parts of Minecraft is starting a new world and discovering that anything interesting or valuable has spawned thousands and thousands of blocks away. Compatible versions: If you fancy keeping a world for . Related: Best Minecraft Village Seeds. View User Profile View Posts Send Message Tree Puncher; Join Date: 4/19/2014 Posts: 13 PSN: man99helm99 Member . See more result ›› 7. When spawning in this Minecraft seed, players will immediately be placed in between a pillager outpost and a large village, both of which contain valuable loot. Flower Children. Next . Traveling a few hundred . Desert temple: -407, 74, -902. 1.18 Seeds. But for that, you choose the best Minecraft Seeds that best suit your needs and requirements. (Villages, Temples, ++More) Search Search all Forums Search this Forum Search this Thread Tools Jump to Forum Minecraft Xbox 360/PS3 : Best / Greatest TU16 Seed! Fantastic seeds for hardcore game mode in Minecraft 5) A village island (Seed: 20624654) In this Java Edition 1.18.2 seed, players spawn near a village at X: -160 Z: 192. In the background, the almost limitless game world is created . Since Minecraft 1.4, village data is stored in the savegame, meaning houses will not be rechecked after a restart. Traveling a few hundred . A little known fact is . This gives a villager 20 health points (because 1 heart = 2 health points). Filled with dangerous mobs, hidden traps, and amazing loots, these mansions are the dream of every survival Minecraft player. If you love flower towns, this is the perfect map. Minecraft randomly generates its worlds. It is made up of a small group of buildings that are inhabited by villagers. There are three flower villages (Villages that generate in Flower Fields biomes) not far off from spawn on this seed. Here are some of the best Minecraft 1. Best Minecraft PS3 Seeds. Blaze spawner: 120, 77, 20. Seed: 627689198065479624 This seed is one of the best seeds for players to use in Minecraft if they are looking for a world with lots of good villages. The coordinates to the rest of the villages are:-500, -425-215, -775; 185, -935; The five desert temples are clumped together on a small patch of desert biome at these coordinates: 615, -890; 375, -760; 170, -300; 870, -345; 1100, -185 . Then . Be sure to also check out these landmarks: Underwater ruins: 988, 46, 245. 1.11 Seeds. We spawn near this village, which is a snowy village but extends across the snowy tundra, beach, desert, and plains biome. That alone. One of the villages has a shipwreck in the middle of the road at coordinates 1080, 100. If you dream of playing . Minecraft randomly generates its worlds. Up here in the Northern hemisphere, it's winter time, but for many reasons, you can. You are certain to have a good time here. This is a great opportunity for you and your seeds to get some attention. This one has . Using seeds,. Follow *All coordinates written X, Y, Z. Woodland Mansions-93, 73,-122-80, 64, 81 225, 66, 112 73, 71,-287 Woodland Village-121, 70,-103 Desert Village -250, 79,-396 Desert Temple in southwest corner of desert . Each village will be made of different materials . As well as Minecraft PS3, Minecraft PS4 & Min. To kill a villager, you need to inflict 20 points of damage to the villager. The last one I haven't checked out yet. Minecraft, Ps3, Best, Village, Seed, The, Best, Minecraft, Seeds Category : Minecraft Seeds » Minecraft, Ps3, Best, Village, Seed, The, Best, Minecraft, Seeds Tags: minecraft seeds minecraft seeds 1.18 minecraft seeds 1.17 minecraft seeds bedrock minecraft seeds 1.18 java minecraft seeds java minecraft seeds map minecraft seeds inseln minecraft seeds village minecraft seeds ps4 minecraft . Why would you choose this Minecraft seed for your diamond? Screenshot by Pro Game Guides. Though, it can be a great place for a base built across two biomes. In this series, I will be continuing to accept custom and random seeds that you, the viewers, have submitted to me. You can find the location of villages by exploring, either on foot or flying in Creative mode. Seed: 944710140 - Bedrock seeds. With this and so much more to find, this seed makes a great all-around choice for any game mode. Coordinates: 236, 237. Note: The seed code will be bold. At 150, 103, 207, players can find a village, a ruined Nether Portal, and a Pillager Tower. Once you spawn head straight for the NPC village and go to the blacksmith building where you will find a chest with 6 diamond. And it seems impossible without a proper guide. Note: Depending on the version your Minecraft is running on may alter some of the results from the seeds listed below. The Minecraft PS4 seeds differ from the Minecraft PS3 seeds or Minecraft Xbox 360 seeds, for example, . This Minecraft seed has four villages and five desert temples at spawn. Jan 24, 2022 Dennis Patrick. A village at spawn in this seed (Image via Minecraft) This seed spawns the player in a gigantic desert biome, which is filled with desert temples and villages. Minecraft seeds are codes that players can input to generate a world to their liking. If you are not into speedrunning with the best Minecraft village seeds or base-building in the best city seeds, an adventure might be your best choice. Diamonds are a crucial resource in Minecraft. Seed: 944710140. Best Minecraft PS3 Seeds; Best Minecraft Seeds [NOTE: To enter a seed, input the BOLDED seed titles listed below into the Seed Generator.] Seed = 8242020325pm . Do you like the idea of having a village near where the students spawn? The Minecraft PS4 seeds differ from the Minecraft PS3 seeds or Minecraft Xbox 360 seeds, for example, . 2. level 1. stoic-lemon. Use a seed to spawn in a particular biome or near an interesting structure such as a village or temple. The only things it doesn't have is a jungle . Here is a list of the different seeds in Minecraft. Code: 8678942899319966093. We take a look at some of the finest Minecraft seeds for the Playstation 3 platform. This next seed finds the balance between exploration and settling in Minecraft. If you love flower villages, this is the perfect map. Ocean Monument. Seed: -173732712291740. 5. Minecraft 1.12.2 Seeds - Minecraft Seed HQ best 40 seed is a little bit of everything and starts ya out close to a village 1973 seed has a huge desert and a little bit of everything else. A village at spawn in this seed (Image via Minecraft) This seed spawns the player in a gigantic desert biome, which is filled with desert temples and villages. For all the newly added seeds on this list, we . A village floating on the sea? Search Search all Forums Search this Forum Search this Thread Tools Jump to Forum help me find seed with the most temples and villages #1 Apr 22, 2014. madmanhelm. We are only focusing on two . About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . These naturally generated cracks in the earth can now be seen near two ocean monuments located at coordinates -456 216 and -728 120. This thread was automatically marked as Locked. Flower Village #1: -504 -456; Flower Village #1: 152 -456; Flower Village #1: 328 -1352; Nether . Thanks for watching and I look forward to reviewing your seeds! Seed: 474395258284874. Coral reef: 1033, 50, 776. This seed will also work for the Xbox 360 version of the game but i am unsure if it will work for the PC/MAC versions of the game. Visit site . Seed: 601653383579781126 Coordinates: -176 256 Biomes . Note: Depending on the version your Minecraft is running on may alter some of the results from the seeds listed below. Seed: 12542; If you want to spawn in a Savanna which is also near a village, use this seed. Spawn into the world and collect 3 diamonds and iron armour within minutes!The seed is 408509208293984615T. MrNastyHD. Note: Depending on the version your Minecraft is running on may alter some of the results from the seeds listed below. This seed has a ton of rare loot and places. Island tower village. 23,250 views • Jun 29, 2017. Minecraft: Editions Seeds; PS3 Seeds . Part of the adventure is . PS3 seed with almost everything. The following selection of seeds is just a small sample of the countless worlds that the game can create on Minecraft for the PS Vita. [Top 10] Minecraft Snow Seeds That Are Fun! You'll spawn right near a small village that's close to a number of different biomes including plains, and ocean, and forests. List 8 Village Seeds for Minecraft 1.18 (Java & Bedrock) : 1. It includes everything from landscapes, landmarks, dungeons, and much more. Try out this seed if you enjoy the calm, peaceful atmosphere of Minecraft and want access to a head start in your . Minecraft 1.12.2 Seeds Mansion and Iron Loot Blacksmith at Spawn March 19, 2019 JAVA EDITION SEED This cool Minecraft forest seed spawns you in a blacksmith village beside a rare woodland mansion! Snow villages? Beautiful Forest Hills. Part of the adventure is . You will find villages in the different . Verifying your Minecraft version . It has 3 ocean monuments, a woodland mansion, witch hut, all the woods, snow tundra, badlands with mineshaft sticking out the side, ocean ruins with treasure map that leads to a heart of the sea, sunken ship, 3 villages with librarians, coral, desert temple. 7 Villages, abandoned mineshafts, biomes etc etc. Minecraft PS3 Seed Village Seeds. Minecraft players will know full well how valuable Obsidian is so the name of this seed alone should be enough to take notice. Minecraft randomly generates its worlds. (Easy to find) Stronghold:dig straight down at x: 16 z: 127 Copy the link and share. So, to help you find the best . PS3 4 Woodland Mansions + Villages TU54. You'll find yourself some great loot, including diamonds, emeralds, as well as other useful. A gorgeous village at spawn with some amazing mountains in the background await you in this Minecraft seed. Minecraft: The Best 1. Another new addition in Minecraft 1.13 is the underwater ravines. That will take you to the blacksmith villages. Village seeds are seeds that have the starting point located inside of a village or somewhat near one, they can be any façon of village or biome, they can have many resources or very little, mostly giving you an advantage when starting your adventure since most of the resources that you get from villages take more time to obtain . The 15 Best Minecraft Seeds With Villages | Minecraft great Minecraft, Ps3, Best, Village, Seed, The, Best, Minecraft, Seeds Category : Minecraft Seeds » Minecraft, Ps3, Best, Village, Seed, The, Best, Minecraft, Seeds Tags: minecraft seeds minecraft seeds 1.18 minecraft seeds 1.17 minecraft seeds bedrock minecraft seeds 1.18 java minecraft seeds java minecraft seeds map minecraft seeds inseln minecraft seeds village minecraft seeds ps4 minecraft . Seed: -268867964946558 Coordinates: -252 92 Biomes: Ocean, Taiga. In the background, the almost limitless game world is created based on intricate algorithms. Before entering a seed, make sure that it is specifically designed for your platform so that you end up with the compatible seed ready to play . This world has it all: multiple biomes, several temples, various scattered villages, mineral wealth, and even a few libraries. I used this seed with the PS3 version of Minecraft. Jimmyplaysminecraft. There's a lot to do and explore in this one. 816 likes; 651 dislikes; hipyoungoldfolk 0 followers. Key Locations . Share this result ×. What is the seed for Minecraft largest village? Simply use this seed code — you spawn in a world with a great village right beside your spawn site. This Minecraft 1.12 village seed spawns you right in front of a jungle biome, and located just on the edge of the luscious tropics . Seed: 4117603790725708373; With the Water Temple seed, you will get Ocean Monuments, shipwrecks, a village and more. Features: This seed will make you appear in a village on top of a hill, surrounded by dozens of horses. Minecraft Seeds Coverage. Ice spike village (Image via u/SwarthyNine2691/Reddit) Ice spikes are one of the most enchanting places in Minecraft. But due to their harsh conditions, cold biomes are not the best spots for . We are only focusing on two . Can everyone give me some great seeds that work on ps3 My favorite seed: -440874630 3 villages that all hav blacksmiths! Not really a lot of room for interpretation with the name of this one of the best Minecraft 1.13 village seeds.It kinda sounds like the title of a $5 painting you'd find . Today's seed is: -6362831987997918260 (Submitted By: CyberRocky from the Minecraft Forums) Note: The seed code will be bold. Advertisement. In Minecraft, villagers can be found in villages in most biomes. Depending on your skill and resources . The loot in this seed isn't good either unless you only want food. Seed: -1480351183376464763. About Villagers Home Village. (2022 Edition) Minecraft's 1.18 update, most known for its changes to the cave systems, also includes some major additions to a previously barren snow and tundra biome. Search Search all Forums Search this Forum Search this Thread Tools Jump to Forum PS3 Seeds | > >>| Prev; 1; 2 #24 Jan 7, 2014. In this seed you will spawn between five different rare biomes: a savanna, swampland, a bamboo jungle, plains and desert; but within the savanna and the plains biome you will be able to find two villages that are full of loot, this seed is perfect for gathering resources and for those people who like to admire the rarity of these biomes. Basic default small map settings. A very unique world seed and a great kickoff for an adventure . Though, it can be a great place for a base built across two biomes. You'll need to protect the villagers if you want to keep those guys in the village. 13,-44 Ocean Monument -88,250 Shipwreck 89,-119 167,146 Village 377,-416 -198,335 -411,87 365,50 Source -2520503728690039594 Within this seed, right by spawn, you'll find four villages. If you go through a small river on the big desert biome, you . Players use it to . In Minecraft, players can use seeds to generate worlds with valuable structures nearby. To start the game closer to a village, you can use a Minecraft seed with a village next to the spawn . The village itself has an iron sword and armor, a saddle, and more. Seed: 1001 Version: 1.7+ Spawn at the edge of the plains biome, some thirty blocks away from the village. Scenic Forest Village. One of the most famous, best-reviewed seeds for the PS3 is, oddly enough, named after the popular alt-rock group. We've decided to collect . When spawning into this seed, players will. When you create a world in Minecraft, you have the option to enter a seed value to be used by the World Generator to create your world. Seed: -8880302588844065321. Where to Find Villagers. Most of these seeds work with Minecraft 1.8 and other earlier builds, but if you're looking for more recent Minecraft 1.9 version seeds, then head towards this top 20 list. The Minecraft PS4 seeds differ from the Minecraft PS3 seeds or Minecraft Xbox 360 seeds, for example, and there is no guarantee that you will spawn what you are looking for if you use the same codes across platforms. The area near the spawn is . Although villagers wander around randomly, they usually . In the background, the almost limitless game world is created based on intricate algorithms. (You get it) My mission here is to highlight some wicked empowering Minecraft World Seeds that perhaps will work with Minecraft Education Edition and Minecraft Pocket Edition App in . This is easily one of the most beautiful seeds to feature on this list. Tap To Copy 3 fastest ways to get diamonds in Minecraft Java Edition hot What is awesome about this seed: Spawns you near a shipwreck with some great loot like diamonds, emerald, and multiple pieces of enchanted gear. In this seed, you will spawn inside of a blacksmith village, which unfortunately doesn't have much loot or resources, but it does hold a mineshaft a few blocks away that although offers a very hard and complicated path, does hold quite a rewarding set of precious items, such as iron and gold and the most important, diamonds, these diamonds are mostly exposed and very easy to find once you make . What is the best 1.17 seed? #1 -2616073310770286304. Flower Children. 15 Best Minecraft 1.17 Seeds . See . Out in the ocean west of your spawn point is . This seed has the most basic and valuable residents that you need to survive in your world. There are three flower villages (villages that spawn in flower field biomes) not too far from this seed spawning. Do you like the idea of a red dirt Mars-like terrain? 3ds friend code - magicbay02. 6 years ago. MrNastyHD. The village has no smithy, but don't worry, and go get your loot from the chests inside an abandoned mine shaft located right underneath the settlement. (Villages, Temples, ++More) #1 Jul 4, 2014. Minecraft Villages are having a bit of a crisis in 1.18, and this is a great example. Ice spike village (Image via u/SwarthyNine2691/Reddit) Ice spikes are one of the most enchanting places in Minecraft. Obsidian Farm. One of the immediate chests at coordinates -241 26 50 holds a golden apple. A little known fact is . 15 Best Minecraft Seeds For Diamonds In 2021. This seed contains three mansions (with loot), three temples (also with loot), and a ridiculous four villages - all within walking distance of one another. A bit farther from the shipwreck is a great village with some great loot. The following seed codes will give you a Minecraft world set on a small island where you will need to get all of your resources and then dig underground to set yourself up for future success. The final entry on our list of best Minecraft snow biome seeds brings us a confusing village generation. The real reason to pick this option over any of the other all-biome seeds is that you spawn right by a desert village, with a woodland mansion and an ocean monument in close proximity. Sometimes, all you want is a dark oak forest, but all your. Get detailed instructions from the leading experts on Best Minecraft Ps3 Seed List . Walking out of range to unload their chunks will still reset them though. The reason there are no more villagers is most likely because zombie killed them all. Seed : -9112652585177887426. Minecraft forums, wikis and communities out on the web have started collecting some of the best and most interesting seeds that the game has to offer on the Xbox One.
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