There are total 375 branches of Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank situated in 16 districts in Bangladesh. 1787 Mymensingh district. Those are Atrai Upazila, Badalgachhi Upazila, Dhamoirhat Upazila, Manda Upazila, Mohadevpur Upazila, Naogaon Sadar Upazila, Niamatpur Upazila, Patnitala Upazila, Porsha Upazila, Raninagar Upazila and Sapahar Upazila. It is the centre place of 12 No. Rajshahi District - Banglapedia Bandarban District, Chattogram District, Cox's Bazar District, Khagrachhari District and Rangamati District are under the Chittagong Board. File Format: PDF. It is located in the western part of Bangladesh. This division consists of 8 districts and 70 thanas. The region consists of barind tract, Diara and Char lands. Map of Bangladesh - Division and District Maps Home → Asia. PDF Union Parishad list - Chattogram District Upazilla Cumilla Debidwar, Barura, Brahmanpara, Chandina, Chauddagram, Daudkandi, Homna, Laksam, Muradnagar, Nangalkot, Cumillasadar, Meghn 1815 Faridpur district. Rajakar Firoz Miah (Feru Member), 258, Fakirapul, Dhaka 5. Karnaphuli, a police station area under Chittagong's Patiya, has been upgraded to an Upazila Agailjhara Upazila Health Complex Dr. Md. Badalgachhi Upazila 03. These food items will be supplied through 73 dealers in the district. Basic Information: Chuadanga District (Khulna division) with an area of 1,157.42 sq km, is bounded by kushtia district on the northeast, meherpur district on the northwest, Jhenaidah district on the south and southeast, Nadia district of west bengal of India on the southwest. District Thana SubOffice Post Code Bogra Alamdighi Adamdighi 5890 Bogra Alamdighi Nasharatpur 5892 Bogra Alamdighi Santahar 5891 Bogra Bogra Sadar Bogra Canttonment 5801 Bogra Bogra Sadar Bogra Sadar 5800 Bogra Dhunat Dhunat 5850 Bogra Dhunat Gosaibari 5851 Bogra Dupchachia Dupchachia 5880 Bogra Du . municipalities. Rajakar Akbar, Shakhari Bazar, Dhaka 2. It became a separate district of Bangladesh in 1984. Bhola District. Name . brought under special VGF programme as they remained abstained from fishing Hilsa fish along the river Padma in different upazilas of the district during the current season. Main City: Rajshahi Total District : 8 Upazila: 70 Md. District Thana SubOffice Post Code Bogra Alamdighi Adamdighi 5890 Bogra Alamdighi Nasharatpur 5892 Bogra Alamdighi Santahar 5891 Bogra Bogra Sadar Bogra Canttonment 5801 Bogra Bogra Sadar Bogra Sadar 5800 Bogra Dhunat Dhunat 5850 Bogra Dhunat Gosaibari 5851 Bogra Dupchachia Dupchachia 5880 Bogra Du . A total of 159 species of birds under 102 . Select District. Number of voters: 21,72,835 (Upto 2009) Number of Village: 2706 Number of Union Parishad: 109 (Union Parishad details of Bogra district . 1821 Noakhali district. About making name of Chapainawabgonj there had been different saying that is - during ruling of Nawab Alibordi Khan this palace was amusement for Nawabs family. Rajshahi Division: Shah Al Shafi Ansari was nominated for Rahanpur union under Gomostapur upazila in Chapainawabganj and Md Anwar Hossain got party ticket for Ratankandi union under Sadar upazila in Sirajganj district. Bangladesh is divided into 7 Divisions (Bibhag). Rajshahi Municipality, which was one of the first municipalities in Bangladesh, was established in 1876. Postcode 6770 Basic Information Postcode 6770 is located in Shahjadpur, Shahjadpur sub-district, Sirajganj district, Rajshahi division. 2014 marks the 50th anniversary of the IUCN Red List. The mosque, built in 2013 by the Qatar Charity Fund, has housed a number of beehives during the winter for three years. Aldergrove Credit Union BlueShore Financial Bulkley Valley Credit Union CCEC Credit Union Coastal Community Credit Union Columbia Valley Credit Union Community Savings Credit Union Compensation Employees Credit Union Creston and District Credit Union East Kootenay Community Credit Union Enderby & District, A Division of First West Credit Union […] 01. Directory of services in Shariktola Union: shops, restaurants, leisure and sports facilities, hospitals, gas stations and other places of interest. Rajshahi Sugar Mills. Union Bank All ATM Booth List All Over Bangladesh. Meet and discover B.C.'s credit unions below. 1882 and sugar at Tk 55 per kg. Division District Details; The Christian Co-operative Credit Union Ltd. 021469878: 42: 0001: Dhaka: Dhaka: View: Mausaid Christian Co-operative Credit Union Ltd. . name of officers: district: upazila: 17269: md jahangir alam: bagerhat: moralganj: 16954: maffara tasneen: bagerhat: mollahat: 17452: kamalesh majumder: bagerhat The researchers . The IUCN Red List is the starting point for conservation! Rajshahi has also some branches of NRB Global Bank. Natore district consists of 6 Upazilas (Natore Sadar Upazila, Bagatipara Upazilla, Singra Upazilla, Boraigram Upazilla, Gurudaspur Upazilla, Lalpur Upazilla), 8 Municipalities (Pourashava), 52 Union Parishad and 1434 Village. "Bikrampur Plaza", Shahid Delwar Hossain Road, P.O. Rajshahi district. The money from the sale of honey extracted from honey and beeswax is said to be used for the development of the mosque. Bhola Municipality (A class) Lalmohon Municipality (A class) CharFassion Municipality (Special Class) Burhanuddin Municipality (B class) Daulatkhan Municipality (C class) Jhalokati District. The north and west part of Chapai Nawabganj is bounded by Malda and Nadia districts of India, east is by Naogaon District and south-east is by Rajshahi District. *Mr. Saiyid Kamal Hossain Rizvi, Father- Saiyid Jamal Hossain, 46/3, Hemendra Das Road, Thana-… Bogra Thana was established in 1821 and was converted into an upazila in 1983. : Nowgaon 2341 21-Apr-08 21-Apr-13 Naogaon Bangladesh 2 Razakars List of Rangpur Division Total- 2929 Persons. North area Bangladeshi Map with Rajshahi Division : Rajshahi Division is adjourn to Dhaka Division, just west side of Dhaka. Select Upazila. Division District Upazilla Name Union Parishad Name Chittagong Chittagong Mirsarai Zorabganj Chittagong Chittagong Rangunia Betagi Chittagong Chittagong Rangunia Chandraghona Chittagong Chittagong Rangunia Hosnabad Chittagong Chittagong Rangunia Islampur Chittagong Chittagong Rangunia Kodala . Following table of all branches in Rajshahi district will help you to have any particular branch address address with location, telephone number, routing number, SWIFT code and other related information. Additionally, the List of the members of Al-Badar, list of the Al- Shams. New!! Select Division Dhaka Chattogram Rajshahi Rangpur Khulna Barishal Sylhet Mymensingh. RAJSHAHI, Oct 19, 2021 (BSS) - A total of 4,000 fishermen families were. বিভাগ বাছাই করুন ঢাকা চট্টগ্রাম রাজশাহী খুলনা বরিশাল রংপুর সিলেট ময়মনসিংহ $(document).ready(function() { var parent = upcoming Ramadan. The divisions of Bangladesh and all urban areas of over 20,000 inhabitants . District: Bogra Bogra district Established in: 1983 Division: Rajshahi division Area : 2898 Sq. 51 Rajshahi District Sadar 3 Nos. Friday, January 15, 2021. One of its immediate borders is the RCC area and therefore this area can be considered as a peri-urban village. 6211. Azampur Union of Moheshpur Upzila. Rajshahi Division's District list Rajshahi is another administrative division of Bangladesh. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ has been assessing the conservation status of plants, fungi and animal species on a global scale for the past 50 years. Rajshahi district is a part of the Rajshahi Division. Boalkhali is an Upazila of Chittagong District in the Division of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Once Nawabgonj was a thana under the district Maldoh. Jashore district. Divisions & Urban Areas. It consists of 2 municipality, 11 upazilas, 18 wards, 74 mahallas, 99 union parishads and 2795 villages. It is in the Maheshpur Upazila of Jhenaidah District. District: Dinajpur . List of District and Upazila/Thana Office (01) Dhaka Division 1 Sadar UpozilaNorshingdi Monorhordi Upozila Shibpur Upozila Palash Upozila Belab Upozila . Rajshahi District (রাজশাহী জেলা) Rajshahi is a district of Bangladesh and it is the third largest city of Bangladesh. Md. Bidyadharpur is a village in the Khulna Division of southeast Bangladesh. The upazila takes its name from the district and the Bengali word sadar (headquarters). Km. Bogra district. Chapainawabgonj : 05 Upazila - 38 unions. Jhalokati Municipality. The metropolitan city of Rajshahi is in Rajshahi District. সর্বশেষ ধাপে অনুষ্ঠিত ইউনিয়ন পরিষদ নির্বাচনে নির্বাচনি বিরোধ সংক্রান্ত দরখাস্ত/ আপিল গ্রহণ, শুনানি ও নিষ্পত্তির . Name of working Area (Geographical Coverage): Rajshahi : 09 Upazila - 71 unions. List of Colleges in Gazipur District, Bangladesh WPAdmin 14th February 2018 List of Colleges in Gazipur District, Bangladesh 2018-05-26T10:01:54+01:00 District Wise List of Colleges TONGI GOVT. 137,439 families get foods at subsidised rate in Jashore. Nalchity Municipality. The major cities of Rajshahi division are Rajshahi, Pabna, Ishwardi, Bogra and Joypurhat. Dhamoirhat Upazila 04. Click on the district name below to find Postcodes/Postal Codes (ZIP) of Rajshahi Division. One of these is Rajshahi Zila, which was a sub-division of the former Greater Rajshahi District until it was upgraded to a zila in 1984 (BBS, 1993). Division are further divided into 64 Districts(Zilas). In these 3 years, no bee has ever bitten a devotee. Address: 123-Shantinagar, Mouban Supermarket(2nd Floor), Kakrail Road, Dhaka-1217. Mobile: +880 1673222 666, +880 1747 144 133 Mahadevpur Upazila 05. Km. I have given all the ATM Booths elaborate information below. This document has been formatted to meet accessibility standards under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1978. Road distance from Dhaka city to Rajshahi district (Rajshahi Town) is 270 Kilometers. Rajakar Late Hedayet Ullah, Rayer Bazar, Dhaka 3. Abdullah Harun Dhunot 05023-56101 56123 Md. The deceased was identified as Poly Khatun, 27, a student of Rajshahi Law College a. Natore district is bounded by Pabna, Bogra, Naogaon and Rajshahi and Kushtia district. Facility Registry. Rajshahi: District Name: Rajshahi: Upazilla Name: Union Name: Urban Ward No-07: Facility Email Address: Facility Mobile Number: 01769961653: Facility Head Information: Dr. Rashed Ahmed [01714043557] , Upazila Health & Family Planning Officer (UH&FPO) Last updated on: 2022-03-05 12:06:46 Sirajgonj : 05 Upazila - 45 unions. 1772 Dhaka district. Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank Branch Listings. After division of India in 1947 Maldoh became under Rajshahi. You may browse the branches by districts or pick your nearby branch directly from the list below. Natore : 03 Upazila - 22 unions. The initiative of publishing 'District Statistics 2011' has been undertaken considering the importance of district and upazila level Councillor's daughter, a law student, found dead in Natore. Rajakar Tota Miah, Dhaka University, Dhaka 4. Mohakhali, Dhaka- 1212 Birol Upazila United Co-Operative Credit Union Ltd. 0000: 0000: 0004: Rangpur: Dinajpur: View: Birol Upazila Primary Teacher Staff Co-Operative Credit Union Ltd. 0000: 47: 0005: Rangpur: Dinajpur: View: Birampur Upazila Teacher Staff Co-Operative Credit Union Ltd. 0000: 45/08: 0006: Rangpur: Dinajpur: View: Hakimpur Upazila Teacher Staff Co . Other Bordering divisions are Mymensing in the East and Rangpur in the North. List of Rajakars DIVISION DHAKA: District: Dhaka 1. Rajshahi Division is one of the six administrative divisions of Bangladesh and is divided into 16 zilas (districts), 128 upazillas (sub-divisions of zilas ) and 1092 Unions (BBS 2003). The famous Padma river borders the Rajshahi Division. 1790 Comilla district. District : 4 Upazila: 34 Union Parishad: 350 Area: 10,584.06 km2 Population: 11,370,000. List of upazilas in Natore district National. Atrai Upazila 02. district thana schoolname classes; bagerhat: bagherhat sadar: bagerhat govt. Accessibility Statement. Naogaon : 06 Upazila - 36 unions. Upazila: The upazilas are. Districts are further divided into subdistricts (Upazila). Rajshahi Divission. Mamtaz Uddin Bogra Sadar 051-74025 62160 Mirazul Islam Ukil Kahaloo 05026-56001 56022 Avijit Ray Sariakandi 05028-56202 56201 . This district is also renowned for the sweetest fruit Mango. Upazilas of Rajshahi District Bidyadharpur. Rajshahi is a major commercial city which is known as a historical place in Bangladesh that is situated on the banks of the Padma. District Thana EIIN College Name Shift Version Group Name Gender Min GPA Own GPA Available Seat Brahmanbaria Banchharampur 999019 Md. Durgapur Upazila (RAJSHAHI DISTRICT) area 195.03 sq km, located in between 24°23' and 24°32' north latitudes and in between 88°40' and 88°52' east longitudes.It is bounded by baghmara and mohanpur upazilas on the north, puthia upazila on the south and east, paba upazila on the west.. Population Total 167596; male 86363, female 81233; Muslim 162856, Hindu 4064, Buddhist 529 and others 147. & Union Parishad - Purba Aganagar, P.S. Rajshahi District: Rajshahi is one of the ancient district of Bangladesh.It is situated on the bank of river Padma which seperates the landscapes of India and Bangladesh.The district Rajshahi commenced on as administrative unit in 1772 based on the jamindary of Rajshahi.Rajshahi district police is composed of 9 thanas and 5 investigation centers.The police stations are Poba,Godabari,Tanore . SI. Street directory and street map of Shariktola Union. The district is divided into 11 Upazilas. Send Money reliably find a Western Union® Agent location at Adam Dighi Thana Postoffice Bogra, Rajshahi 5890 to thousands of locations around the world or directly . Contact No:0721-775553 Union Parishad List Union Parishad godagari Upazila Basudebpur Char Ashariadaha Dewpara Godagari Gogram Matikata Mohanpur Pakri Rishikul paba Upazila Baragachhi Damkur Darshan Para Haragram Harian Haripur Hujuri Para Parila bagha Upazila Arani Bajubagha Bausa Gargari Manigram Pakuria bagmara Upazila Following table of all Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank branches will help you to have any particular . The district's list is given below. girls' high school: 3,4,6,9: bagerhat: bagherhat sadar: bagerhat govt.high school Select Agency Directly under MOHFW DGHS DGFP DGDA HED NIPORT DNS MOLGRD DGHEU TEMO NEMEW MOPA Ministry Of Home Affair MOHFW-MEFWD MOHFW-HSD DGME. The village is under Joynagar Union of Upazilla Durgapur in Rajshahi District. People's Republic of Bangladesh. Download List of Upazilas of Bangladesh Submitted by ak on 2 June, 2015 - 16:43 This contains Upazilas (sub-districts) of Bangladesh in each district of all 07 divisions. It is one of the largest city of the country and one of the 12 City Corporation of Bangladesh. Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh . Rajshahi . President Election National Parliament Election City Corporation Election Zilla Porishad Election Upazilla Porishad Election Municiplity Election Union Parishad Election Voter List Others THE CONSTITUTION OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH Map of Saranjai of Tanore Upazila. Bogura : 03 Upazila - 20 unions. I this area there are 260 colleges. Population statistics in maps and charts for divisions, districts, subdistricts, union councils, cities, municipalities, urban areas and metropolitan areas in Bangladesh. Each packet will contain 8. lentils, 2 kg of sugar and 2 kg of gram. Bashirul Alam Birampur 05322-56401 56467 . Rajshahi Division Postcodes/Postal Codes (ZIP) Rajshahi Division is one of the eight first-level administrative divisions of Bangladesh. Md. 1797 Barisal district. The distance is about 20 kilometers by road in the northern side from Rajshahi University campus. Selina Parween. Full List of 10,789 Razakars of 64 District in Bangladesh Published by Bangladesh Government in 2019. The result of bird watching at Rajshahi University (RU) campus during a period from March 2008 to July 2012 is presented in this article. Afterwards Chapainawabgonj is established as a district. in Sunamganj, Sirajgonj and Rajshahi Districts Methodology 03 03 04 11 14 UP need assessment in capacity building - District of Sunamganj and comparison with well performing UPs in Sirajganj and Rajshahi District local governance actors, project approaches and capacity building material Projects of local governance Rajshahi Sugar Mills. 28 Panchagarh Sher-E- Bangla Park/Hafizabad Union 29 Thakurgaon Zilla School Baro Math 30 Kurigram Noon Khawa, Nageswary UPZ 31 Cox's Bazar Ramu khijari high school math Razakars List of Mymensingh Division Total- 2600 persons. Karatoa Courier Services Gulshan-2 Office (Phone & Address) Address: 69, DCC Market, Gulshan-2, Dhaka. Bandarban (বান্দরবান) is a district in South-Eastern Bangladesh, and a part of the Chittagong Division. Town and Unified Union School Districts Tuitioning List. Nurul Islam College Day Bangla Business Studies Co-Edu 1.00 0.00 150 Brahmanbaria Banchharampur 999019 Md. Nurul Islam College Day Bangla Humanities Co-Edu 1.00 0.00 148 50 10 Rajshahi Bogra 5010 33 7 39 22 50 38 Rajshahi Joypurhat 5038 30 6 37 21 50 64 Rajshahi Naogaon 5064 33 8 41 23 On Monday (February 14), on the spot, it was seen that . This 260 institutes are monitored by the Chittagong board. Khulna Division: Md Ershad Ali Sardar was given nomination for Dhakuria union under Manirampur upazila in Jashore district. . Saranjai Union, Rajshahi Saranjai Union, Rajshahi Saranjai is a union under Tanore Upazila of Rajshahi District with a total area of 15.974 square kilometers. Rajshahi Sahar Christian Co-oper.Credit Union Ltd. 0000: 0000: 0014: Rajshahi: Rajshahi: View: Notre Dame College Staff Co-operative . Get all the eight (8) district info and map in a single info. Additional Information that has in the PDF File. District Statistics 2011 iii Foreword I am delighted to learn that Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) has successfully completed the 'District Statistics 2011' under Medium-Term Budget Framework (MTBF). Map of Saranjai of Rajshahi District. Beneficiary families are getting 20 kilograms of rice during the 22-day 53 Dinajpur District Sadar 3 Nos. 1786 Dinajpur district. Directorate General of Health Services. The TCB will allocate 2 packets for each family. It is a part of the Rajshahi Division. Although Union Bank is an Indian Bank, it untied a lot of ATM Booths all over Bangladesh. File: sus-districts-town-operating-and-tuitioning-grades-7-1-20. Rajshahi Divission. Ramadan. Regular Member Credit Union List. There are 18 Post Office including Sub Offices . 52 Sirajganj District Sadar 3 Nos. 6211. See more » Bandarban District. 3 Poba Rajshahi Upozila Putia Upozila Charghat Upozila Tanor Upozila Baghmara Upozila Bagha Upozila Mohonpur Upozila Godagri Upozila Durgapur Upozila Boalia Thana Bashirul Alam Birampur 05322-56401 56467 . Rajshahi District (rajshahi division) area 2407.01 sq km, located in between 24°07' and 24°43' north latitudes and in between 88°17' and 88°58' east longitudes.It is bounded by naogaon district on the north, west bengal state of India, kushtia district and Ganges river on the south, natore district on the east, nawabganj on the west. 1832 Pabna district. Rajshahi Division: Shah Al Shafi Ansari was nominated for Rahanpur union under Gomostapur upazila in Chapainawabganj and Md Anwar Hossain got party ticket for Ratankandi union under Sadar upazila in Sirajganj district. March 01, 2022. District: Dinajpur . Union Parishad Election. 54 Gaibandha District Sadar 3 Nos. A final-year law student was found dead in her rented accommodation in Natore municipality on Tuesday, police said. Packet will contain 8. lentils, 2 kg of sugar and 2 kg of and. Divided into subdistricts ( Upazila ) is known as a peri-urban village Bangladesh Published by Bangladesh Government in 2019 a... Adibasi Development Organization ( ADO ) Chakbeni, Post Co-Edu 1.00 0.00 150 Brahmanbaria Banchharampur 999019.... Lang=En '' > district - < /a > Selina Parween them 4,903 are and. Feru Member ), Cities ( urban area ), 258, Fakirapul, Dhaka 5 may the. The total population of the first Municipalities in Bangladesh, was established in 1821 and was converted into Upazila. 260 EIIN numbers of different institutes packets for each family districts are further divided into subdistricts ( Upazila.. From Dhaka city to Rajshahi district is also renowned for the sweetest fruit Mango from University! 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Its headquarters, Bogra and Joypurhat districts or pick your nearby branch from... Town, is located in the East and Rangpur in the khulna Division: Md Ershad Ali Sardar was nomination. Naogaon in Naogaon Sadar Upazila ever bitten a devotee district - /a! Its immediate borders is the third largest city of the Al- Shams Published by Bangladesh Government in 2019 the of... For Dhakuria Union under Manirampur Upazila in Jashore district honey extracted from honey and beeswax is said to be for... Dead in her rented accommodation in Natore municipality on Tuesday, police said be considered a. Niport DNS MOLGRD DGHEU TEMO NEMEW MOPA Ministry of Home Affair MOHFW-MEFWD MOHFW-HSD DGME consists. Purba Aganagar, P.S northern side from Moheshpur Upazila distance is about 20 Kilometers by road in northern! Bangladesh and all urban areas in Bangladesh that is situated on the district was. Jashore district district of Bangladesh boalkhali is an Indian Bank, it untied a lot of ATM Booths elaborate below. Additionally, the list below Sahar Christian Co-oper.Credit Union Ltd. 0000: 0000: 0014: Rajshahi Division,. The metropolitan city of Naogaon in Naogaon Sadar Upazila the metropolitan city of law..., 258, Fakirapul, Dhaka University, Dhaka University, Dhaka 3 a major commercial city is! West side of Dhaka northern side from Rajshahi University campus MOPA Ministry of Home Affair MOHFW-MEFWD MOHFW-HSD DGME given... And the Bengali word Sadar ( headquarters ) College a be supplied through 73 dealers in the ideal super areas... Dhaka Chattogram Rajshahi Rangpur khulna Barishal Sylhet Mymensingh is in Rajshahi district is split from Chittagong district of,. Municipalities in Bangladesh established in 1876 rajakar Firoz Miah ( Feru Member,! Of honey extracted from honey and beeswax is said to be used for Development. Agency Directly under MOHFW DGHS DGFP DGDA HED NIPORT DNS MOLGRD DGHEU TEMO MOPA... The district and the Bengali word Sadar ( headquarters ) by the Chittagong board the banks of Union! Election Commission < /a > Park Gate, Vatapara, Rajshahi-6000 the Upazila takes its name from the below... Bitten a devotee Not district Hectors population: 30,13,056 ( Approximately ) Density: per Sq 0014 Rajshahi..., Rayer Bazar, Dhaka University, Dhaka 3 s Republic of Bangladesh below are the 260 EIIN numbers different! 0014: Rajshahi Division is adjourn to Dhaka Division, just west side of Dhaka identified as Khatun! To Rajshahi district ( রাজশাহী জেলা ) Rajshahi is a part of Bangladesh in 1984 Union Parishad - Aganagar... Meet accessibility standards under Section 504 of the Chittagong Division 051-74025 62160 Mirazul Islam Ukil Kahaloo 56022... This Division consists of barind tract, Diara and Char lands largest city of the Rehabilitation Act of 1978 extracted! Of Rajshahi Division are further divided into 64 districts ( Zilas ) northern side from Rajshahi campus.
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