Shadowrun is a highly popular role-playing game set in a near-future universe where industrial espionage is pretty much the norm. ULTIMATE Shadowrun Hong Kong Street Samurai Build - Bright ... Their rigging abilities provide surveillance, support, and extra firepower. Shadowrun: Hong Kong | Shadowrun Wiki | Fandom PDF Shadowrun, Sixth World Shadowrun: Hong Kong [official site] is the third-and-a-half time around the block for this cyberpunk-but-with-elves roleplaying series, and by now there's a routine and a rhythm.You build a Shadowrunner, a secretive mercenary who can fight with technical or mystical powers (or a combination of the two), leading a team of fixed-spec allies with big personalities through real-time exploration . There are no statistical advantages or changes to the gameplay from choosing either male or female. Recommended First Time Build. All credit for the compilation of these lists go to reddit user RocksInMyDryer. There are a ton of builds you can make in Shadowrun Hong Kong because of its flexible Karma system. D Tier - Shadowrun Hong Kong Best Classes Decker. Cyberspace decker class is cool too. Hobgoblins are a metavariant of Orks and most of them are of Arabic or Central Asian descent. Build recomendation for Elf Decker? :: Shadowrun ... 8 Shadowrun - Decker ideas | shadowrun, cyberpunk ... Cyberdecks traditionally (before 2064) looked like large computer keyboards (similar to early consumer . Which means I will have to build a character. It's also relatively consistent with the preferences you expressed. Spells. Shadowrun Hong Kong Street Samurai/Decker Stat Allocation This build is very similar to the above build, but you have a little more wiggle room because the ESP line isn't as integral to Decker as the Drone Combat line is to Rigger (in fact, it barely matters at all). Ferio 8 years ago #1. 1) Build me a Human Technomancer using the standard Priority Build and assuming 25 Karma Negative Qualities. Shadowrun Returns; Mage/Decker Build, Too Spread Out? They are shorter and of slighter build than other Orks. Nov 27 2011, 12:03 AM. Guns go verses Reaction, while melee is Reaction+Skill. I recommend Shadowrunner if you want to be a "professional," and Security if . Comment with any suggestions or ideas! Its more essence, but it gets you a strength and can be sold for most of its value when you upgrade. Decker archtypes get to add their highest Cracking skill (after conversion) to their Logic, divide by 3 and round up. Reasons: Deckers get lots to do. Key skills: Willpower. Cyris_Winheim 8 years ago #1 In the recently-released computer game Shadowrun Returns, I played through the campaign as a human decker who fought with pistols and took up drone control as a secondary skill, since decking and rigging were governed by the same attribute in SR. It seems that he's gotten . . Shadowrun (5e) character build recommendations? I want to try out a charismatic mage build with enough points in decker to hack most/some terminals. They will get extra money if they are undetected. My opinion, if you're running a Decker, is to take Priority A for Resources and buy the best cyberdeck and cyberjack you possibly can, making all other expenditures secondary. I did a Decker/Shaman so that I could be active in both meat space and the matrix. It's easy to feel like your character is at the center of things when you play a decker. Shadowrun (5e) character build recommendations? All of these elements add up to a great new setting . str33tnme 8 years ago #11. By Smik. Any, although Pistol or SMG are most common. Steve First off, a new player will be asked to select their character's gender. By projecting their minds into the electronic world, deckers can find secrets others keep hidden away. The first campaign, Dead Man's Switch (Shadowrun Returns), works pretty well with most builds, especially since you can hire NPCs to fulfill other roles in the party - if you're just starting out I'd suggest a Street Samurai for the basic "guns guns guns" route, or a Physical Adept for an "unarmed monk" sort of thing. A Decker uses a datajack to interface with the Matrix to steal or erase data. A guide to advise veterns of the paper and pencil game and newcomers alike on characters builds both for Dead Man's Switch and Dragonfall. Starts out with a Mach 22 SMG, which tells you how good a fighter she is, to boot. For Windows/OSX/Linux players, the game is downloadable via Humble Store, Steam or Outfits. I have tried something similar and it works decent enough. It's easy to feel like your character is at the center of things when you play a decker. I'm planning on making a character that's a decker with some charisma skills for dialogue so my questions are basically. The Decker is a modified… Starting skills: Body: 3, Quickness: 3, Strength: 3 . Some sources seem to hint that you can brick a gun, like on p. 228 of the SR5 core rulebook: The firing pin on an assault rifle might not work, but its bayonet works just fine for stabbing smug hackers. FFF's Guide to 6th Edition Shadowrun Characters, Part IV: Specific Build Advice. I've read the rules completely twixe, and it sounds well designed from a gameplay . It is (barely) possible to get a very focused decker with Skills C. Also you can drop Resources to a B if you don't care about Augmentations. . I could have done it sooner, but I wanted to know the ins and outs of the game so my first toon wasn't a dud. Recommended First Time Build. Deckers don't get any combat bonuses on their own and the hacking minigame is a serious downgrade in Shadowrun Hong Kong, compared to Dragonfall. Typically you'll see a Decker build around priority A Resources, B Skills, C Stats, D Meta, E Magic. The game was created by Harebrained Schemes, LLC and original creator Jordan Weisman. Body 8 Cyberware Affinity 6 Quickness 7 (11) Strength 6 Ranged Combat 9 (10) Shadowrun Returns (SR:R) is a PC game funded through Kickstarter (in the period up to April 29, 2012). Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut. In addition, you're a specialist with light firearms, preferring to stick to the shadows and pick off your enemies with deadly aim. This guide will teach you how to allocate all your karma for the best possible Mage build and what equipment you'll want to acquire. Because of that I tend to not allow decker. Because of that I am trying to build my first character. Using programs and Expert Systems to fight off intrusion . After releasing Shadowrun Returns, Harebrained Schemes started making a new campaign as DLC called Dragonfall, but the project ended up ballooning and becoming its own stand-alone entry with a vastly different structure and scope than the Dead Man's Switch campaign, outdoing it in every single way possible.The world wasn't open, but you had an entire town map to explore regularly as a hub . Will say for those trying to make their character is that unlike the Nintendo 64 Shadowrun game, you get a free gun early on and all have their own quirks to them (I've been enjoying the SMG & rifle but can see benefits of the shotgun & pistol) just have to sink a few points in there as well as charisma. It's also relatively consistent with the preferences you expressed. The ward may encom- Don't blow all of your money on the best deck. Reasons: Deckers get lots to do. Shadowrun Hong Kong is an amazing indie game by Harebrained Schemes. It gets a ton of movement range, takes very little damage (10 armor, pain resistance, constant light cover), stacks AP every time it gets a kill and kill almost every enemy in one hit. A decker may attempt to modifiy or read the memory of a robot like the modify/read memory spell in the same way, using . so long as you stay 4 or above for magic (gives you 2 to play with implants, which is still quite a bit, especially after you get bioware), you only need 4 will and 4 . After unlock using two drons, bump Ranged Combat up for 3. It is very powerful archetype, but it might end up quickly on the other side, due to its low body condition. Re: [SR5] - Combat Decker Build « Reply #1 on: 08-09-13/1727:25> » I think you are in the right direction, I myself would prefer an ork combat decker (mostly just for the biceps and tusks). You can find Rianna inside the Matchsticks Club, in Downtown Seattle. Some choices can only be chosen if you fulfill certain requirements. I want to say… probably about five times each. The game was released in July 25, 2013. ESPs behave much like shamans' spirits: They can only be summoned during turn-mode and despawn when the Matrix returns to freemove. The Decker is a GMPC but doesn't go on runs. 4 points is pretty cheap and lets you take two etiquettes. If you have access to Kill Code the "Custom Decks" are hands down the best bang for the buck. Expert System Programs are a special type of program that allows a decker to summon an additional actor to aid them while jacked into the Matrix. When industrial espionage leads to successful data theft or physical break-in, this act is called a . I've played through Dragonfall and Hong Kong both a number of times. You are the Decker, and expert hacker able to use sophisticated cyberdecks to jack into the Matrix, steal data, sabotague security systems, and generally reak havok on your enemy's computer networks. Well it seems like DnD is a piece of cake compared to building a SR5 decker. Really, though, this is the point where new players are best off getting involved - a new, superior campaign with no ties to the last one, and quite a few . Wish I had dumped my points into magic or guns instead . This is a big pitfall in starting deckers and deckers trying to min-max. Shadowrun name generator. I think a decker makes an excellent choice for a first playthrough of Shadowrun: Dragonfall. Decker can enter the Matrix using the right equipment and special connection points. On p. 233 of the SR5 core rulebook: First, right of the bat, Shadowrun Hong Kong is an incredible game. . This build lets you get solid mental stats, have a solid 5 edge, have a skillset that covers decking and basic runner stuff, and the money for a deck/ware. There wasn't any reason to do a decker build in the first game because you hardly go to the matrix.Deckers are similar to hackers in Shadowrun world, in a sense that they can project themselves in cyberspace, or matrix as the game calls it, and bypass security systems. Shadowrun Companion introduces a contradiction on p. 37: "A shapeshifter's astral form always appears as an idealized image of its animal form, regardless of the shapeshifter's current form. p. 145, Ward, paragraph 1 Adjust the paragraph as follows: Ward is a ritual taught to many magicians. However, it is often more cost effective to use a drone class as long as . 4. Decker with a Cyberarm is a classic for a reason, it works really well. A Rigger can be made into a competent combatant, but they really shine when provided with the right drones. Drones. You receive a call from your old partner Sam. See more ideas about shadowrun, cyberpunk character, cyberpunk. Shadowrun: Hong Kong Character Builder. Deckers are "computer hackers" who use a cyberdeck to jack into the Matrix (the worldwide information grid and computer network). There is a dedicated decker NPC you can pick up pretty early, but a good alternative is to play a decker yourself. Shadowrun House Rules Possible house rules for 3.0 edition shadowrun. The GM as well as all of us players are complete newcomers to the system and, seeing as it was originally my idea to play it in the first place and I am slightly competent at making working characters (whoo:smalltongue:), I have decided to dive into the deep end and try to build . I did that, and it only took about one extra mission to make the spellcasting useful. If you're playing Shadowrun Hong Kong as a Mage, you'll want to know how to optimize your build for the best, most OP shadowrunning action you can get. Contact deckers fell in to 2 categories, script kiddie deckers, and uber deckers (theory being if you survived the megacorps as you learned skills, there was no room for middle ground). Played Rigger/Sniper in The Antumbra Saga, which allow his drone to take most of the hits. So I wondered if there is anyone in this subreddit who . Hobgoblins tend to have a greenish tint of skin, a mouthful of sharp teeth instead of enlarged lower canines, a narrow jaw, prominent ears, and dark beady eyes that gives them a fiercesome appearance that is responsible in no small part for the . Riggers use a Datajack to control drones. Weapons. Therefore, this is merely a cosmetic decision. Deckers typically use a cyberdeck, which is an illegal computer used for storing stolen files and running programs which increase their chances of hacking nodes and help overcome Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics (ICE) which can kick the decker out of the matrix or even physically harm him. They have special abilities and move independently of the decker, but vanish if the decker is dumped from the Matrix . The whole Shadowrun series is great. It creates a mana barrier (p. 161) with a rating equal to the leader's magic plus net hits on the Sorcery test in Step 6 of the ritual. On the other. I'm going to host a Shadowrun game soon (have played a bit before, ages ago). And if you are sticking with a rating 1 muscle toner, strongly consider instead a rating 1 used muscle replacement. Shadowrun dragonfall character builds Continue. Decker. Characters are more balanced. This means that a shapeshifter in human form can be detected by astral perception unless he is an initiate capable of Masking." All with the support of his also shadowrunnish friends. A cyberdeck is a powerful portable microcomputing device with enough computational power to render the ASIST interface of the Matrix as well as run illegal programs to subvert Matrix protocols. Decker's burn through edge like crazy hacking a host. It needs to be combined with Rigger to . Basic tactics for this build is hide behind cover, use Dron and spam "Mark Target" which play realy well togheter (due to initial dron accuracy) and help rest of team. I wouldn't leave home without at least 3, if not 5. 2) Scenario 1: The Crew needs to get into a lightly guarded facility at night to steal information for their Johnson. At some point in the (hopefully) near future, I will be participating in a Shadowrun 4e game. Plus, Hong Kong's culture is steeped in "guanxi" - a network of influence and relationships based upon a combination of social status and prestige. SHADOWRUN: SIXTH WORLD. Shadowrun Returns: General Strategy Guide. This Shadowrun Hong Kong Adept build is a whirling wrecking ball of death. I'm planning on playing Shadowrun Returns but I've only played the tabletop version once and don't know a lot about the game mechanics so I'd like to ask some questions about making a character. However, another member of the group has stepped forward and offered to run a Shadowrun 6E one-shot. The most expensive and most skilled Decker, this pretty little Elf is a hot prospect for anyone looking for someone who can kick ass online and off, and look good doing it. Michael Westen is a de facto shadowrunner, who, for convoluted plots-within-plots reasons, goes to Miami and helps ordinary folks with non-ordinary problems. Re: SR5: Optimized Decker Help. During play, upgrade CHA up to 6, INT, Decking, Dron Control/ Combat up to 8. you can even go hybrid decker/mage/rifle build. The main issues pro and con are: Shooting a gun even in narrow burst mode is just a simple action, so you can shoot twice. Cyberdecks. Shadowrun Returns. Qi Casting. InfestedAdam 8 years ago #1. Welcome to /r/Shadowrun, chummer. It can weaken enemies and strengthen friends as well as deal damage and heal. In general, firearms are easier to be deadly in, but melee has some interesting tricks of their own. ggodo. Re: 5e Decker Build Advice. But the closest DIRECT reference to hacking an opponent's gun seems to be hacking a smartgun system. It is going to be a second RPG alongside our regular group so we want to keep the time to get into the matter very low. The protagonist is the only "face" a party will have, so picking up some Charisma is good. Orthoskin is also an extremely cheap boost to your soak, at 6k and .25 essence per extra armor. « Reply #1 on: <01-23-20/1827:41> ». Focused a ton of Karma on Summoning(4 at Creation) and Decking with a mix of pistols for later on in the game taking a few . Ok, I recently bought two 'starter decks' and a booster box of the old defunct Shadowrun TCG, and have run into an issue. I can't figure out how to make a functional deck out of the bits I have. ===== UNDERSTANDING THE MATRIX =====[SDF-GPM5]=== The Matrix section in Shadowrun: Dragonfall is much like the fighting in the real world, except your decker will have his own set of skills to use and you'll be fighting in a much blander environment. It's not the best build in the game, but it's probably a close second. I am trying to build a decker in 5e. The Rigger is essentially a "ranger", with the drone taking the role of an animal companion. I decided to make a decker, because in a world run by computers a good hacker is king. There are so few missions that have an optional jackpoint in them, and any mission that requires it seems to hand you an overspecialized Decker for cheap or free, and there's usually only one jackpoint you can use. Dumpshock Forums > Shadowrun TCG. Greetings playground! Robot (20 build points) A robot generally has a humanoid structure, though this need not be the case. This is ideal when you need a hacker, but not very useful in the real world. Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall being 'just' DLC for last year's cyberpunk/fantasy mash-up RPG is bittersweet, because it may well be that only existing Shadowrun Returns owners give it a spin. Cyberware. 40 build points spent on resources to build an anthrodrone body right cyberarm = body 6, strength 5, agility 9 with cyberarm gyromount and cyberarm slide, no capacity remaining left cyberarm = body 6, strength 10, agility 5 for melee combat, 11 capacity remaining cyberskull = body 7, strength 3, agility 3, 3 capacity remaining My favorite build has been gunner decker, high int and decking skills, quite high quickness and ranged combat. Users of cyberdecks are often called deckers; a combination of the term hacker and cyberdeck. Shadowrun: Hong Kong contains fantastic elements for a new Shadowrun setting: an underworld of triads, tongs, and gangs to navigate, wild magic to harness, and bleeding edge cybertech to equip. The hacking minigame is super unfun and Is0bel, the Decker you get automatically, is just fine to power your way through it. Shadowrun 1E was my very first role-playing game (I played a decker - you may now wince), and I've played every edition until the 5th. Wikipedia has conveniently summarized all of the episodes, if you don't feel like bingeing seven seasons. After looking at the inteligence/decker skills I feel like i'll need to invest a good amount of makes to make it viable. When I ran a Shadowrun game, the group didn't have a decker so they had to dig in to contacts. August 30, 2019 faithfictionfatherhood 2 Comments. Next, the player will be asked to choose the race of their character. . So i started to read the rules of SR5 over the holidays and I can´t wait to start playing in ShadowNet or RunnerHub. Shadowrun Returns; Mage/Decker Build, Too Spread Out? Mostly the pen and paper role playing game, but also the board games, video games, and literature of Shadowrun. That's the Device Rating of a cyberdeck the decker character gets for free, two levels higher than any fresh starting SR5 built decker can hope to get and your SR4 built character doesn't even have to have earned any karma yet. I think a decker makes an excellent choice for a first playthrough of Shadowrun: Dragonfall. Decker build After almost a month of book studying and looking up things online, I finally feel confident enough to make a character in shadowrun. Description: This is the main magic class with a very wide range of spells. This name generator will give you 10 names fit for runners in the Shadowrun universe. Jun 3, 2017 - Explore Somebody Actually's board "Shadowrun - Decker", followed by 286 people on Pinterest. . Here at /r/Shadowrun we talk shop about all things in the shadows. . I feel dumb for playing a Decker. Since the awakening of 2012, five races have come to be considered Meta-Human and make up the world . It focuses on how to build your character so you don't have to constantly see a "Game Over" screen due to Dead Man's Switches' player-falls-everyone-dies . Discussion is primarily aimed at exploring narratives found in the Sixth World. Cyris_Winheim 8 years ago #1 In the recently-released computer game Shadowrun Returns, I played through the campaign as a human decker who fought with pistols and took up drone control as a secondary skill, since decking and rigging were governed by the same attribute in SR. Had to skimp on the weapon skills, charisma, and what not, so I couldn't soak up much damage, or do the special attacks, but could use all the best ranged weapons and was an ace decker. The Most Broken Build in Shadowrun Hong Kong. Modify/Read memory spell in the Shadowrun universe 6, INT, Decking, Dron Combat., although Pistol or SMG are most common shadowrun decker build some point in the Shadowrun.! Completely twixe, and literature of Shadowrun: Dragonfall minigame is super unfun and,! My first character into the electronic world, deckers can find Rianna inside the Matchsticks Club, in Seattle. 10 names fit for runners in the real world, Dron Control/ Combat up to a great new setting and... Your money on the best deck Pencil... < /a > Description this.: body: 3, strength: 3 near-future universe where industrial espionage leads to successful data theft or break-in. All with the right drones shop about all things in the ( hopefully ) near future i. 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