Home Online Resources Previous Sermons. Southside Church of Christ in Fort Myers - A Congregation ... Southside Church of Christ Blue Springs MO - YouTube Sermons | Southside church of Christ 2021 Sermons | Southside Church of Christ Why Are There So Many Translations? - Sermons ‹ Southside ... SOUTHSIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST 4110 Preston Rd. If you took notice of today's bulletin you know that our sermon theme for this coming year is expressed in the words of Paul in Philippians 1:21 - For to me, to live is Christ, to die is gain. "Humility and Hope" "Lord, my heart is not proud; my eyes are not haughty. Southside Church of Christ | Sermons & Media Southside church of Christ Hearing God's Calling. About Southside We are a group of people striving to be faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ because He is the head of the church (Eph. SEP 12, 2021; Unless the Lord (Psalm 127) Unless the Lord (Psalm 127) Southside Church of Christ - Killeen Church A new tab will open in your browser. Previous News. About Us | Leadership | Sermons | Resources/Articles | Members | Home Powered by Congregate. Click on the sermon title below to listen to that sermon in the player on this page. February 7, 2021. SOUTHSIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST 1655 West Manchester Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90047 Tel: (323) 7552-9206 [email protected] The Significance of the Lord's Supper - The Assult on New Testament Worship. Southside Church of Christ, 13641 Learning Court, Fort Myers, FL 33919 Sun Bible Classes 9:30 AM / Worship 10:30 AM & 6:00 PM / Wed Bible Classes 7:00 PM Main Menu 9 am Sunday morning. Southside Church of Christ. Home | About Us | Online Sermons | Online Articles | Southside Lectures | Members | Contact Us Powered by Congregate. 919 S. Dixieland Rd. We do this by living out our 7-core values of being Bible-centered, prayerful, relational, intergenerational, outreach focused, servant-hearted, and team-based . Anyone who obeys the gospel will be saved and God can change that person's life to one that honors and glorifies Him. We answer to the authority of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23; Colossians 1:18) and serve under the oversight of the elders (Acts 20:28, Hebrews 13:17). Welcome. (614) 491-3015 1167 S. Lowry Street, Smyrna, TN 37167. YouTube. Southside Church of Christ Southside, Arkansas. Southside Church of Christ 4000 SW Christiansen Drive Blue Springs, MO 64014 southsidechurchinfo@gmail.com Home | About Us | Online Sermons | Online Articles | Southside Lectures | Members | Contact Us Powered by Congregate. Wednesday at 7:00 pm - Bible Classes. To learn about God's will, the Christians at Southside regularly study together, pray together, and encourage one another in . Adam Pogue. About Us | Leadership | Sermons | Resources/Articles | Members | Home Powered by Congregate. 8:30 PM Shane Scott, "The Gospel Is For Those Who Doubt" This will be a study through the book of Philippians. Monday-Wednesday: 9 . Home | About Us | Online Sermons | Online Articles | Southside Lectures | Members | Contact Us Powered by Congregate. Southside Church of Christ 4000 SW Christiansen Drive Blue Springs, MO 64014 southsidechurchinfo@gmail.com Phone: 615-459-7854 Gospel Meeting. Southside Church of Christ Because of Jesus, we seek the lost, embrace the hurting, equip the saved, and celebrate God's grace Click on the sermon title below to listen to that sermon in the player on this page. Watch later. Southside Church of Christ Sermon 03-09-14 AM. Today our Lord Supper will focus on the Son of God who passed the ultimate "test" for our salvation. Southside Church of Christ, 13641 Learning Court, Fort Myers, FL 33919 Sun Bible Classes 9:30 AM / Worship 10:30 AM & 6:00 PM / Wed Bible Classes 7:00 PM Main Menu A new tab will open in your browser. 2 Peter Questions; 1 Peter Questions . We are a Bible-believing church that exists to glorify God by making and maturing Biblical disciples. Jesus, the Way Out of Religious Confusion Edification Serious Times Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth Centurions Moral Compass The Life of Jesus (Characterizations of the Life of Jesus) He Knew All Men With Craig Rice from Liberty, Texas09-23-2021 through 09-26-2021. Southside Church of Christ 4000 SW Christiansen Drive Blue Springs, MO 64014 southsidechurchinfo@gmail.com The only way to do this is to be together. SOUTHSIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST 4110 Preston Rd. Sermons preached @ the Southside Church of Christ in Owensboro,KY. The Southside church of Christ is made up of Christians who are obeying the commandments of Christ that are found in the New Testament. 7:30 PM Lawrence Kelley, "The Gospel Is For Those Who Are Nothing Like Jesus". Office Hours. Sunday Worship 10:20am Sunday Evening - Life Groups . Jesus Is the Question. 02/13/22. Information about Southside Church of Christ in Killeen, Texas. 10:30 AM Wilson Adams, "Light the Gospel Fire!". 03/15/20. Pasadena, TX 77505 (281) 998-8184 southsideonline.org Sermons | Southside Church of Christ Skip to primary content Southside Church of Christ Because of Jesus, we seek the lost, embrace the hurting, equip the saved, and celebrate God's grace Search Main menu Home About Us Beliefs FAQ Staff and Shepherds Southside History Ministries Adults Campus Youth Children Comer Initiative Sermons 2022 Sermons 7:30 PM Lawrence Kelley, "The Gospel Is For Those Who Are Nothing Like Jesus". The Southside Church of Christ is a congregation of people reaching to God to glorify His name and seek His will, reaching to each other to build one another up through the power of the Holy Spirit, and reaching to the world to lead people to Jesus Christ. SOUTHSIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST 4110 Preston Rd. Rogers, AR 72758 479-636-1156 office@southsidefamily.church. Sunday at 9:00 am - Worship Service. Lebanon, OR 97355. p. 541.258.7893 | f. 541.258.7890 | office@southsidelebanon.com. A new tab will open in your browser. If you prefer to download the sermon to your computer, click on the "download" button to the right of the title. 7:00 PM Tim Stevens, Congregational Singing. Due to special circumstances, we are suspending the following meeting times: Sunday Class. Recent Series. Southside Church exists to honor and glorify God by obeying Jesus' command to make disciples of all people groups. Sunday at 10:00 am - Bible Study. SOUTHSIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST 4110 Preston Rd. Home; Staff. Wilson's father spoke on the very first Southside Lectures in 1980, and his father-in-law, Weldon Warnock, was a frequent participant on our program through the years.. Southside Church of Christ Houston, TX. Southside Church - 02.14.21 Worship Stream. Sunday, September 19, 2021. Home | About Us | Online Sermons | Online Articles | Southside Lectures | Members | Contact Us Powered by Congregate. 22:18,19). Southside Church of Christ 4817 South Highway 27 Somerset, Kentucky 42501 606-679-5762 info@livingaschristians.com . He was born in 1957 in Bergen, Norway where his father was preaching at the time. If you would like to take notes as you listen to a sermon, there is a one page pdf outline for many of the sermons to . Wednesday, March 16, 2022. Upon that foundation we should encourage one another to practice love and good works. Previous Sermons. The Southside church is a group of Christians who are striving together to serve Jesus Christ. That's what Southside is all about. Here at Southside, we are striving to be nothing more than the church you read about in the New Testament. A new tab will open in your browser. Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. We are simply a congregation of the Lord's people who desire to serve God and worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4 . 275 Colton Road Columbus, Ohion 43207. timscc@wowway.biz. We believe that Jesus died to save sinners. About Us | Leadership | Sermons | Resources/Articles | Members | Home Powered by Congregate. Southside Church of Christ 1208 S. Davis St. Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 (903) 885-9286 Mailing: P.O. The South Side Church of Christ website is created, designed and maintained through Restoration Plea Ministries. This YouTube channel is used to share lessons, devotionals and sermons from the Southside church of Christ congregation in Blue Springs, MO. APR 27, 2014; Cleaning House Cleaning House. Sunday at 11:00 am - Worship Service. Southside church Of chirst. Copy link. Are You Ready To Go? Southside Church of Christ 4817 South Highway 27 Somerset, Kentucky 42501 606-679-5762 info@livingaschristians.com Below are many of the sermons preached at the Southside church of Christ in mp3 format for the current year. Sermons | Southside Church. Series All Current Romans Easter A Simple Pursuit Fault Lines John Sanctity of Life Ephesians Category All Adoption Christology Covenant Relation Faith Grace Hope Live Love Peace Prayer Sin Spiritual Alienation Date All March 2022 February 2022 January 2022 December 2021 November 2021 October 2021 September 2021 August 2021 July 2021 . In that tab, click on "Download as MP3." Southside Church of Christ Because of Jesus, we seek the lost, embrace the hurting, equip the saved, and celebrate God's grace The Gospel Is For All. Getting to know the Body of christ October 2017. . Gospel Meeting. Reach out to us. Sermon. Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, providing us with everything we need to know about life in God's kingdom. 10:30 AM Wilson Adams, "Light the Gospel Fire!". February 14, 2021. 8:30 PM Shane Scott, "The Gospel Is For Those Who Doubt" 154 subscribers. 5:22-27). In that tab, click on "Download as MP3." Submit Announcement | About Us | Live Streaming | Media/Sermons | Members | Contact Powered by Congregate. Austin will bring us through Colossians 3 to encourage us to remove our idols and set our minds on things above! Romans. 3/6/22 Presence to Guide You - Reggie Phillips from Southside Church on Vimeo. Sunday . The church that Jesus gave his life for (Ephesians 5:22-32; Colossians 1:18-20), the . In that tab, click on "Download as MP3." Minister Bill Cline; Elder Johnny Knabe; Elder Dwayne Millikin; Elder Randy Harris; Deacon Chris Ball; Deacon Chip Philips; Deacon Bobby Smithee; Administrative Assistant Hannah Cupp; Member Area; Our History; Salvation; Sermons; Class Questions. Pasadena, TX 77505 (281) 998-8184 southsideonline.org Southside Church of Christ 4000 SW Christiansen Drive Blue Springs, MO 64014 southsidechurchinfo@gmail.com . 196 S. Airport Rd. Adam Pogue. Sun AM Worship. SOUTHSIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST 4110 Preston Rd. Live Services #TheSouthsideExperience. We are simply Christians serving the Lord according to His word. Southside Church of Christ 4817 South Highway 27 Somerset, Kentucky 42501 606-679-5762 info@livingaschristians.com Sermon: Identity in Christ: Gospel Meeting: 01/30/22: Identity in Christ - You Are Saved: Shane Smith: Sermon: Identity in Christ: Gospel Meeting: . SOUTHSIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST thesouthsidechurchofchrist.com 4777 Plano Road (Hwy 622) Bowling Green, KY 42104 Southside church of Christ Lubbock, Texas. Our meeting times are listed below. SOUTHSIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST 4110 Preston Rd. If you prefer to download the sermon to your computer, click on the "download" button to the right of the title. Southside Church of Christ, 13641 Learning Court, Fort Myers, FL 33919 Sun Bible Classes 9:30 AM / Worship 10:30 AM & 6:00 PM / Wed Bible Classes 7:00 PM Main Menu Live Events. If you prefer to download the sermon to your computer, click on the "download" button to the right of the title. Southside Church of Christ 4817 South Highway 27 Somerset, Kentucky 42501 606-679-5762 info@livingaschristians.com We accomplish this through our Mission and Core Values. Southside church of Christ www.southsidesower.com 1517 E. Cherokee Springfield, MO 65804 (417) 881-3131 Box 271, Sulphur Springs, TX 75483 . N/A. Rogers, AR 72758 479-636-1156 office@southsidefamily.church. Sermon. Pasadena, TX 77505 (281) 998-8184 southsideonline.org Psalm 51 - David's Prayer for God's Restorative Powers to Be Applied to His Life. Sermon: N/A: Sunday 11am: 12/26/21: Precious Memories: J. T. Carlson: Sermon: N/A: Sunday 11am: Displaying 1 - 20 of 1078. . We cannot make it on our own; we have to protect and provide for each other. Submit Announcement | About Us | Live Streaming | Media/Sermons | Members | Contact Powered by Congregate. Subscribe. About Us | Leadership | Sermons | Resources/Articles | Members | Home Powered by Congregate. SOUTHSIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST 4110 Preston Rd. . Listen to the sermons here. Home | About Us | Video Sermons | Online Resources | Members | Contact Us Powered by Congregate. Click on the sermon title below to listen to that sermon in the player on this page. Sunday Worship 10:20am Sunday Evening - Life Groups . 7:00 PM Tim Stevens, Congregational Singing. Bubba Garner. Southside Church of Christ Because of Jesus, we seek the lost, embrace the hurting, equip the saved, and celebrate God's grace Bill Cline. If you prefer to download the sermon to your computer, click on the "download" button to the right of the title. Click on the sermon title below to listen to that sermon in the player on this page. 9:30 AM Tommy Peeler, "The Glory and Majesty of God". The church is made up of saved sinners who continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. 7 pm nightly Thursday through Saturday. Pasadena, TX 77505 (281) 998-8184 southsideonline.org We're not perfect, but we do know the . 3/6/22. 919 S. Dixieland Rd. Thanks! Brother Adams began preaching the gospel in 1979 and has worked with churches in . Southside church of Christ. Church Office: (785) 843-0770 9:30 AM Tommy Peeler, "The Glory and Majesty of God". Sermons | Southside church of Christ Fellowship Andrew Isbell January 31, 2021 God should be the foundation of Christian relationships. 6 pm Saturday congregational singing. The 42nd Southside Lectures: June 20-23, 2023 "The Gospel Is For All" Monday, June 20. Tyler Sams. The Bible is the only source of authority for all we do (2 Tim. Sermons - Southside Church of Christ in Fort Myers Sermons Unless the Lord (Psalm 127) What Happens When I Die? Home | About Us | Online Sermons | Online Articles | Southside Lectures | Members | Contact Us Powered by Congregate. Matt Craig. Restoration Plea Ministries is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit ministry and is incorporated with God's Way Ministries Inc. Wednesday Bible Class 7:00pm. Church Office: (785) 843-0770 Humble Yourselves Before the Lord - James 4:10: Chris Newton: 2022-02-06: I Am the Bread of Life - John 6: Chris Newton: 2022-02-13: Sing to the LORD a New Song - Psalm 96 It is important to understand that the church of Christ is not the name of a denomination. If you prefer to download the sermon to your computer, click on the "download" button to the right of the title. Southside Church of Christ, 602 Henderson Street, Jacksonville, TX, 75766, United States Pasadena, TX 77505 (281) 998-8184 southsideonline.org Jesus Has Authority Over Sin Mark 2:1-22 Joseph Baugh February 20, 2022 Sermons preached at the Southside Church of Christ in Fort Myers, Florida. In that tab, click on "Download as MP3." Pasadena, TX 77505 (281) 998-8184 southsideonline.org To view hundreds of other sermons, click on the respective Year in the left bar below the navigation buttons. Welcome to the official church app for Southside Church of Christ in Lebanon, OR. SERVICES Sunday Morning: Bible Class - 9:30am Service - 10:30am Sunday Night: Life Groups Wednesday Night: Bible Class - 7:00pm Home | About Us | Online Sermons | Online Articles | Southside Lectures | Members | Contact Us Powered by Congregate. Living in a World that Does Not Know God December 2017. 3:16,17), and we strive to follow the scriptures without any addition or subtraction (Rev. Pasadena, TX 77505 (281) 998-8184 southsideonline.org We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, providing us with everything we need to know about life in God's kingdom. Following Christ: Doug Roush: Sermon: N/A: Sun PM Worship: Displaying 1 - 25 of 871. . Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm The Southside church is a group of Christians who are striving to serve Jesus Christ. The 42nd Southside Lectures: June 20-23, 2023 "The Gospel Is For All" Monday, June 20. Wednesday Bible Class 7:00pm. Click on the sermon title below to listen to that sermon in the player on this page. The Christians at Mt Pleasant, TX regularly study together, pray together, and encourage one another in our walk with the Lord. Home | About Us | Online Sermons | Online Articles | Southside Lectures | Members | Contact Us Powered by Congregate. Submit Announcement | About Us | Live Streaming | Media/Sermons | Members | Contact Powered by Congregate. Home | About Us | Events | Sermons | Streaming | Contact Us . 03/18/20. Please come join us at any opportunity you may have. Southside Church of Christ Because of Jesus, we seek the lost, embrace the hurting, equip the saved, and celebrate God's grace Wilson Adams is the son of Connie W. and Bobbie Adams. Radio Broadcast; Internet Broadcast Sermon Theme for 2018 - To Live is Christ. Southside Church of Christ 4817 South Highway 27 Somerset, Kentucky 42501 606-679-5762 info@livingaschristians.com If we can be of assistance, Southside Church of Christ can be reached either by phone (540-667-7511), email ( info@cocsouthside.org) or simply stop by to visit 3136 Papermill Road, Winchester, VA 22601, Click here for directions. Read more.
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