Land Grids. The Good, the Bad and the North 40 - Enverus Garden City, the county seat of Glasscock County, is at the intersection of State Highway 158 and Ranch Road 33. § 76-5-404.1 (1990), by the third judicial district court, in and for salt lake county, utah, the honorable timothy r. hanson, presiding. "Sponsored by the State Board of Water Engineers with the Bureau of Industrial Chemistry of The University of Texas and the U.S. Geological . 2020 Unofficial Election Results. Runnels County Clerk. Current Title Plants - Title Plants Training Manual. Glasscock Co. Genealogy Forum read and post messages about your ancestors for this county Glasscock County, TX Genealogy Trails a collection of online resources for genealogy researchers Glasscock County Cemeteries Land Survey Abstract Indices of the Original Land Owners of Texas - Glasscock County TEXAS LAND RECORDS. degree in 1947 and her M.S. Information: Texas Land Survey An interpretation of the Original Texas Land Surveys boundaries and bay tracts. Long Lost Glasscocks - Treelines sequence stratigraphy) in Glasscock County, Texas alone has increased oil well completion success from less than 15% to more than 70% (Gibson, 1993). abstract. Also, a number of small churches, especially rural ones, disbanded or didn't meet during the Civil War years of 1861 . Stanton, TX 79782. Martin County Clerk. Filing fees for recording in the Public Records are $26.00 for the first page and $4.00 for each additional page. The Texas GIS Maps Search links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to TX public records. . For the past seven . Garden City, TX. An area school teacher of Texas history, she kept extensive notes, photographs and maps about the history of South Texas and her personal effort to document it. Box 190 209 South Myrl Street Garden City, TX 79739 (432)354-2371 Fax(432)354-2616. Lightweight oil base and mud was used to combat salt and lost circulation, while brine water weighted with hematite was used to drill an abnormally pressured section. Request Edit. November 29, 1895. (432) 607-2212 Fax. White bid and offered $86.00 dollars for said land.Acknowledged by Ezekial R. Seely , clerk of Greene County before Benj. Title Search by name or address to locate property records, deed copy, preliminary and full chain of title data including lien and encumbrance information for all U.S. counties. Lightweight oil base and mud was used to combat salt and lost circulation, while brine water weighted with hematite was used to drill an abnormally pressured section. Permian Basin Abstract data - see below County Clerk data: $200/county/month Unlimited Downloads Priced per 3 users/company . Burn Ban Renewed 4/21/2021. WHITE OAK OPERATING COMPANY LLC - GLASSCOCK A - #1. Phone: 432-687-3232. (432) 756-3412 Phone. Sullivan County Title, LLC 113 E. 2nd Street Milan, MO 63556 Phone 660-265-3744 Fax 660-265-4908 Beneficiary Deeds, Power of Attorney for Real Estate Transactions, Easements, Rent-to-Own Agreement, Owner-Finance Agreements, and Quiet Title Suits. Deeds, Property and Land records, Probates and Liens are available. Production rates vary significantly over small regions. As was the case with many early churches, records were sketchy and beginning dates uncertain. This project explores the uppermost "Wolfcamp" ("Wolfcamp A;" early Leonardian), in Howard County, Texas. P.O. GEORGE W. GLASSCOCK SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO. Within the greater Permian basin (Figure 1), the Delaware basin and Central Basin platform (CBP) have been studied by many researchers due to excellent exposures of the To date, the GLO has posted more than 2 million documents and 80,000 maps, sketches and drawings on their own website, only a small . He for-' merly owned an abstract and' land title company at Para-j gould, in Greene County,! Glasscock County, Texas Sivils, David J., Fasken Oil and Ranch, Ltd., Midland, Texas, 79701 The Strawn Formation is one of the more enigmatic hydrocarbon producing formations played on the Eastern Shelf in the Midland Basin. Click here to enroll today! 1337 Highway 62 West. You will also find information on the producers of wells as well as recent drilling permits, rigs and . Build a Custom Map of the "WHITE OAK OPERATING COMPANY LLC - GLASSCOCK A - #1" in just seconds - click for options . ie. Many . F. Copeland , Justice of the Peace, in and for Greene Co. on Nov. 11, 1872. User-friendly, web-based access allows Examiners to perform searches anywhere in Texas. 6 Fax 432-789-2194 . William Ball and Williamson Ball. Redistricting. Address: 315 E Wall St, Midland, TX 79701. Documents include all or part of the documents filed with the Glasscock County Clerk/Recorder for the period indicated below. Linda Gonzales. Welcome to Glasscock County, Texas. Content: If you don't find the title information you need at the county office above, go back to the county page where you'll find a list of abstractors and title professionals who can help. The dataset was derived from the Texas General Land Office (GLO) county maps, the GLO Abstract of Original Land Titles:Volumes and Supplements, and the GLO maps of State-Owned Submerged Lands of the Texas Gulf Coast (bay tracts). N/2 and SE/4 of Section 5, Abstract 213, G.C. 100% GWI. John W. Glasscock, of Cuyahoga County, electrocuted April 22, 1932, for the Murder of Partolman James Ryan of Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Let us help you into a New Chevrolet or Buick today!! Land Sketches, where available in Glasscock County, TX, are small drawings showing the outer dimensions of the property. Abstract Number * Notes: For a successful search we need to at least know the County and the Abstract number. A "Sarah J Wheat, alias Glasscock", her attorney being John Holloway, is listed as an heir of John's estate on Oct 16, 1839. Survey - Person or Concern bearing the land certificate at time survey filed. Glasscock County, TX. Baxter County Abstract and Title Company. Mr. Glasscock is an abstractor and land title expert of 25 years experience. # 10024900. Garden City, the county seat of Glasscock County, is at the intersection of State Highway 158 and Ranch Road 33. Pro members in Jackson County, TX can access Advanced Search criteria and the Interactive GIS Map. deeded about 500 acres of his land grant to his nephew, William D. Glascock, who may have been Oak Hill's first permanent resident (Travis County deed records D: 259-260; D:317). Blue line print of survey map of Dawson County, Texas, showing rivers, creeks, original land grants or surveys, blocks of land, cities, and towns. Current and Historical Title Plants. From a judgment for defendants, plaintiff appeals. 73.41640% NRI (OIL) Upton County, Texas 72.68224% NRI (GAS) Lessor: King Ranch Oil & Lignite Company . Abstract This paper presents a case history of the method used by Exxon Co., U.S.A. to drill the St. Lawrence Field in Glasscock County, Texas. Harrison County (1916 - Oct 2020) In one instance of the two new uses, "Block" takes the place of "Range" in a hybrid form of PLSS that is titled to a 45° angle; Section Township Block (with no E or W direction associated; I guess they're all West out there). 870-425-8989. However, Midland County also has the distinction of having the largest CWP (93 g/m 3) for this time period. KING RANCH OIL & LIGNITE. Build a Custom Map of the "APACHE CORPORATION - HOWARD GLASSCOCK EAST UNIT - #1428" in just seconds - click for options PetroSwell Map Builder. Your new GIS Department. Email: The proposed project would replace the structurally deficient bridge on SR 102 over Joe's Creek. Ida Lee's will abstract incorrectly has William Ball as the husband of Priscilla Glascock [ it should be Williamson] whereas the following abstract has a "son" inserted thereby separating out the 2 deceased sons of Margaret. Box 194 Mentone, Texas 79754 Telephone (432) 309 9500 Ext. We also serve Lea and Eddy Counties of New Mexico. GLASSCOCK v. STRINGER et al. A Sarah Jane Glasscock married Seth H. Decker on Jun 23, 1859, in St. Helena Parish LA. Land Sketches are useful in determining the perimeter and square footage of a property, and are especially helpful to Surveyors, Appraisers , Foundation Repair companies, Lawn Care businesses, and Insurance Agents. # 10024900. Glasscock & F.S. After the formal organization of Glasscock County in 1893, an Ohio land company sent a Mr. Gardner to act as agent and to operate a store. Analyses made, map prepared, data assembled, and report mimeographed by Works Progress Administration Project 6507-5112. Wells on the eastern side of the Midland Basin near its Eastern Shelf in Glasscock County, Texas, penetrate an Upper Leonardian succession of detrital carbonate, deposited in slope and basinal environments. The dataset was derived from the Texas General Land Office (GLO) county maps, the GLO Abstract of Original Land Titles:Volumes and Supplements, and the GLO maps of State-Owned Submerged Lands of the Texas Gulf Coast (bay tracts). We want and appreciate your business! 1907-1918, February 01, 1917, SECTION TWO, Page 3, Image 10, brought to you by Arkansas State Archives, and the National Digital Newspaper Program. Affirmed. glasscock survey, abstract no. (Paragould, Greene County, Ark.) A small settlement resulted in the establishment in 1886 of a post office . Further, three counties located in the South region of the THP, i.e., Glasscock, Midland and Martin County have values of CWP > 90 g/m 3 and Glasscock and Martin have only twice during this time period failed to harvest a cotton crop . Glasscock County is a prime example of this. The weekly soliphone. ; Block - Block number. ; Bandera County S84°54'55"W 200.00' 8 Now offering images for Reagan County, Texas. Graded Caliche Base Bid Request. BH County: MIDLAND Section: 51 Block: Abstract: 794 Survey: KING, J M Lease Lines: 100.0 F SOUTH L 1022.0 F EAST L Survey Lines: 100.0 F SOUTH L 1640.0 F WEST L Field Rules for ALL fields on the permit application are as follows: SPRABERRY (TREND AREA) : Special Rules 330/0, 80.0 acres. Click "Advanced" for more search options. 591 B. MANLOVE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. Abstract A-908. Map of Glasscock County, Texas, showing locations of water wells listed. The Archives of the Texas General Land Office consists of approximately 35.5 million land grant records dating back to 1720 and approximately 80,000 maps, sketches and plat maps of Texas, dating back to 1753. ELECTION MAPS 2021. (512) 280-5165 REG. . Glasscock County, Texas. Reagan County (1881 - May 2020) Glasscock County (1893 - June 2020) Yoakum County (1986 - Oct 2018) East texas. RAD=50' Core and well log data are used to examine the Wolfcamp A as a case study to understand the sedimentologic and stratigraphic controls on 'sweet spots' within deep-water settings of the Midland Basin. She did post-graduate work at the University of Texas in Austin. Sign up to list your title services here! Day Rates 24-hr access . Description: Glasscock County Recorder. Abstract: How was the colonial military formed? Abstract from Autauga County Probate Reports Book 18 page 364 The state of Alabama ) To the Honorable G.W. class. Abstract: Agnes Louise Glasscock Grimm was born in Alvin, Texas on November 23rd, 1911, a fourth generation Texan. *The statements made on this web page and any page that follows within the West Texas Abstract & Title Co website are not intended, and shall not be construed to expressly or impliedly issue or deliver any form of written guaranty, affirmation, indemnification, or certification of any fact, insurance coverage or conclusion of law. Appeal from district court, Travis county; F. G. Morris, Judge. Serving the Title and Abstract needs of Glasscock, Dickens, Kent, King and Stonewall Counties of Texas. Garden City, TX. 417 CBD FIRM ID #F3791 Carlson, Brigance & Doering, Inc. Civil Engineering Surveying 5501 West William Cannon Austin, Texas 78749 Phone No. Plat maps include information on property lines, lots, plot boundaries, streets, flood zones, public access, parcel numbers, lot dimensions, and easements. Exploring the cases overlooked from the literature of state formation, Yi argues that colonial powers believed ethnic groups in regions heavily affected by the slave trade were 'martial races,' and because of this stereotype, ethnic groups targeted by the slave trade were more likely to be . These are copies of those recorded documents but are not 'Official Copies' from the Clerk. We are a company obsessed with automation and efficiency. He was a white male, age 35 and his occupation is listed as an ex-convict These are copies of those recorded documents but are not 'Official Copies' from the Clerk. Texas: Glasscock County Clerk Records Search Glasscock County Clerk Rebecca Batla P O Box 190, 209 South Myrl Street Garden City, TX 79739 (432) 354-2371 Phone (432) 354-2616 Fax County Clerk Records Coverage Documents include all or part of the documents filed with the Glasscock County Clerk/Recorder for the period indicated below. & S.F. . Information: Texas Land Survey An interpretation of the Original Texas Land Surveys boundaries and bay tracts. (512) 280-5165 REG. Email: Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-4:00 . Trend Exploration, the current major operator in this play, and Matador Drilling Co., have successfully completed 10 of 14 Wolfcamp oil wells drilled . in the Conveyed Premises. Over 1.2 million documents and 3.6 million images available now! Glasscock County, TX Land Grid, Pipeline, and Oil/Gas Well Symbol Maps: Show me the details of Texas County Land Grid, Pipeline, and Oil/Gas Well Symbol Maps Source : 2015-12-07 Abstract This paper presents a case history of the method used by Exxon Co., U.S.A. to drill the St. Lawrence Field in Glasscock County, Texas. Our NEW website: Page 2 of 9 . Abstract This paper presents a case history of the method used by Exxon Co., U.S.A. to drill the St. Lawrence Field in Glasscock County, Texas. 472, the j.h. Our regular hours are 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Monday thru Friday. However, association minutes from 1917 to the present reflect a date of 1870 when the church was organized. To schedule a demo or to be notified when CSC eRecording becomes available in your area, simply fill out the form to the right. Bazel Wheat died in Richmond, Fort Bend Co. TX. brief of appellee defendant's appeal from denial of motion to withdraw guilty plea to sexual abuse of a child, a second degree felony in violation of utah code ann. Glasscock County, Texas documents are now available on-line through! Louise Glasscock Grimm was born in Alvin, Texas on November 23rd, 1911, a fourth generation Texan. Do You Own Minerals or Royalties Under This Well? Browse homes for sale in Glascock County, GA. View prices, photos, virtual tours, schools, permit info, neighborhood guides, noise levels, and more. ABSTRACT COMPANY The Woodruff County Ab stract Company is now in the hands of Mr. A. H. Glasscock. APACHE CORPORATION - HOWARD GLASSCOCK EAST UNIT - #1428. Search by Subdivision, Section, Block, Lot and/or Survey or Abstract # Save time and money on every search. Examples: Glasscock County, Abstract 95, Section 29, Block 32 T5S, T&P RR Co Rusk County, Abstract 162, Clark D Survey . Co. Survey, Upton County, Texas. Antioch Baptist Church. Abstract: Agnes Grimm was an author and collector of area history. Current Abstract A-321 oil & gas activity includes production data, producing companies, new drilling permits, mineral values, and more. Texas: Martin County Clerk Records Search. and for all Texas counties. A "Lillah Wheat" is listed as an heir of John's estate on Oct 16, 1839. Search for Texas plat maps. ii Abstract This report details the results of archaeological Phase II testing at site 9GL10, also known as the Kent's Mill Historic District, for GDOT project BRST-1575(8), Glascock County, Georgia. Progress Administration Project 6507-5112 first page and $ 4.00 for each additional page notifications via call... 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